just a little update

on 3/8/11 12:54 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada

hi all, just an update on whats happening to me now. Lets see where to begin.lol well in Feb. I had a cataract removed and next month I have to get the other one done. She couldn't believe how quickly my eyesight changed. But i am quite happy with the sight I have now in this eye and will be even happier when the other one is done.
I am back on prednisone and Minocyccline for my skin condition.
I haven't lost anymore blood since Nov. So that is a good thing. So now I am on ferrous sulphate(iron).
I had to have a bone marrow extration done last week in my hip. Let me tell you it HURT. They got the report back and sent it to some one else to check it too. I don't know what that is all about.
Now I am having back spazems alot. LOL I am a wreck. oh well as long as I can still get out of bed and go I am happy.
OK I think that is it for me for now. time for bed.

A in NS
on 3/9/11 11:34 am
Well hang in there girl!  It sounds like they're getting you all sorted out & hopefully you will hear back from them soon - keep us posted!  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 3/10/11 10:11 am - Canada
Thinking about you. Hopefully this will all get resolved.
Weight lost since surgery
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