Seven Month Anniversary

A in NS
on 2/12/11 10:22 pm
86.8 lbs gone since surgery on July 13/10. 

Rate of Loss:
Month 1 - 28 lbs
Month 2 - 12 lbs
Month 3 - 12 lbs
Month 4 - 12 lbs
Month 5 - 11 lbs
Month 6 -   5 lbs
Month 7 -   6.8 lbs

I'm down to size 14 jeans & XL T-shirt.  I don't take any prescription meds anymore.  I entered a couple of marathons.  Unfortunately, I have a LOT of excess skin & it would be nice to have plastic surgery done sometime in the future, but even if I can't, I would rather have excess skin & better health then smooth skin filled with fat!!  I go walking, to yoga, the gym & public pools and I actually enjoy it!  I have tried skating, rappelling, running, etc...   I don't mind having my picture taken anymore.  I HATE it when people ask how much weight I've lost.  I've lowered my goal weight to 160 (check the ticker!).  I fit in any booth anywhere.  I don't have to worry about how much a lawn chair will hold.  I can run & play with my son until HE gets tired!  I can buy clothes at any store (of course, I can't find anything that I WANT to buy because the sleeves are too short and show my bat wings, but the point is that stuff will actually fit).  I never think everyone is staring at me anymore.  I'm proud of myself.  I can cross my legs.  I can run up LOTS of stairs.  I have made many new friends on OH and through support group meetings.  Life has changed so much & I'm liking the changes!!  

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 2/13/11 12:49 am - Canada
u have sumed it up for me also!!!!!!! it feels just go to a movie theatre and just sit down and be comfortable and not all squeeshed up....i dont like that ppeople look at me different..i want to punch them in the face i am the same now as i was then SHAME ON U PEOPLEEEEEEEEEEEE..... CONGRATES TO YOUR NEW LIFE ANG.

30 lbs lost pre op
A in NS
on 2/13/11 4:52 am
Back at ya!  I know what you mean about people seeing you differently - and they ALWAYS say "Oh, you must feel sooo much better!"  I don't know why it annoys me so much, but it's second on my list after "Holey, how much weight have you lost?" (I hear "holey **** - how much did you weigh!?")  I know they are mostly well intentioned, but still...  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 2/13/11 6:22 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
Congrats, you are an inspiration to those of us still awaiting surgery. Thanks for sharing.



on 2/13/11 8:39 am, edited 2/13/11 11:32 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
wow Angie that is so great. You really an inspiration to us. You are doing so great. Only a few more to go. I have to think up some catchy words to say to those that are mean enough to say some nasty things to me (I know some people will be doing it. Just jealous I guess) when I finally have my operation. I am still not going to tell anyone about it. What do you say Angie when people ask you how you did it? Keep going girl and be happy and to heck with everyone else.

How is hubby doing on his weight lose? He looks like he has lost lots too.
A in NS
on 2/13/11 11:08 am
I really don't think anyone is trying to be nasty, but it just rubs me the wrong way sometimes...  When they ask how much I've lost I usually say 'a lot' or 'a couple of dogs & a cat' & laugh and hope they move on - if not I just say that I haven't really kept track  ;) 

I didn't tell people about it - well, just my family... when they ask I tell them mostly the truth - which is that I haul my butt to the gym, I walk, run, swim & do yoga and I cut out most of the carbs and white stuff (pasta, bread, sugar...) which is all true - I just leave out the surgery part.  BUT the other day there was a lady who I like very much who also has a weight problem so I told her about the surgery when she asked how I did it & hopefully she will look into it and come to her own decision.

Hubby has lost over 50lbs since surgery (plus 70 pre-op) - he has another 20 or so to go  :)) 

Have you heard anything about your date?
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 2/13/11 9:09 am - Canada
I know i speak for everyone when i say i cant wait to be at that point. It seems so far away for me. I know all these bumps i have been going through will be worth it in the end. I am just impatient and cant wait to be there.

Congrats to you and yes you are an inspiration to us all. I hope to join you one day on one of those walks and feel like a new person, a new healthy person.

I wish you nothing but the best!


what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
A in NS
on 2/13/11 11:18 am
Hey Ginny,

I remember sitting there reading posts like this when I was only at a month or two out & thinking 'holey crap - they only have 20lbs to lose - will I ever be there'!!  and now it seems like yesterday!   I hear ya, I am so impatient.  Now it's me with a few left to go, and now I'm reading posts from people who have gotten to goal and thinking I will never get these last pounds to go!  lol  I guess the grass is always greener!!!  lol

Thanks so much for the compliments guys!  Ginny I would love it if you join me for one of the walks some day soon - I think we should all aim for one next year as a celebration of our accomplishments  :)) 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 2/13/11 11:28 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

I am hoping to get a call this week. They were away until tomorrow. So they will have the letter that my Doctor sent to them saying that (hopefully) my blood lose is not happening any more. My levels are all good, well not perfect but hopefully good enough to get me through again. I am praying for March sometime or even sooner. Whenever they want me I will happy to go.

A in NS
on 2/14/11 4:27 am

My fingers, toes & eyes are crossed & I'm praying for you too!!!  :))

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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