here i a here i

on 1/10/11 1:15 am - Canada
As most of you know i went in on Thursday to have my surgery. I wasnt released till yesterday and of course there had to be a snowstorm. So i had to stay over night at a relatives place. Sooooo today i finally made it back home. So just trying to get used to getting the protein in, although its rough at first i will admit that.

So my surgery went *text book* as Dr Ellesmere said. No complications whatsovever. Of course there were periods i was laying there in pain wondering what the hell i just did to myself. But i know in time i will be thankful.

Of course theres always negatives and positives to everything and everyone has a different story but will share some of mine.

Far as negatives go i will say the gas pain is quite the thing i have never experienced before. It is nothing compare to before And i have felt nauseous since surgery but i guess thats to be expected with my tummy learning to eat well *drink* again. The hospital room they put me in was one of the hottest in the hospital i was told. I swear it was a 100 degrees and i hate heat! Also when i was moved to stage 2 diet all they would let me have was water. I never did receive a tray while in the hospital. So the one nurse would let my boyfriend go down to the fridge and get a popsicle or juice if i felt like it. Also cause of my thyroid problem i had to have the breathing tube down my throat BEFORE i was to sleep. Lets just say i hope i never have to go through that again.

On the positve side of things the nurses were all sweethearts, the doctors were all fantastic. My surgery went through without any complications. They made me feel as comfortable as i could all the time. The greatset nurse was my boyfriend though. Who would wait on me all the time and give me sponge baths. He would only go home long enough to get some rest or work and be back at the hospital.

So now the road to recovery and work the tool as best i can. Its a long journey ahead of me and i am sure i can do it...

Move over ladies and gents i am on the losers bench now!

Thanks again for everyone who sent me messages!


what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/10/11 1:28 am - Canada
Oh and another negative ...My tail bone is numb i swear i will never get the feeling back there again...LOL

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/10/11 4:37 am - Canada
It's so good to hear from  you Kitty!! It's great to hear all the positives and negatives with the surgery!!  You're on your way now!!
on 1/10/11 7:13 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
I am so glad all went well for you. Are you sleeping alot? Do you still have pain? Nice to have your man looking after you. Take care.
on 1/10/11 7:20 am - Canada
The pain is mostly gas pain which can get uncomfortable at times. I am on no pain killers though only tylenol then gravol for the upset stomach. Not sleeping a whole lot really. Havent had a good nights sleep in quite awhile not even while on pain killers. I walk quite a bit but doesnt seem to *relieve* me of the gas pains though although it worked on my

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
A in NS
on 1/10/11 10:38 am
Wow glad to hear you're home & doing well!!!  For the gassy pain have you tried gas-x strips?  I know it's from the air that they pump into your belly but I found it helped anyway - it also helped with the nausea I had... It might be worth a try if you haven't tried it.  It goes away pretty fast anyway  :))  Welcome home!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/10/11 11:48 am
So glad that you are home and doing quite well!  As well as can be expected after having your belly pumped full of air that just needs to find its way out!  Hopefully that will happen quickly and you can get rid of that pain. 
Glad that your surgery went well and best of luck from here on out 
Andrea S.
on 1/11/11 3:53 am - New Waterford, Canada
Congratulations!!! Glad all went well and you are your way to recovery!!!!! I am looking forward to hearing about your progress!!!
 Angie from the Cape!
Debbie T.
on 1/11/11 8:27 am - Canada
Welcome to the other side Ginny. Hang in there and it will get better.
Weight lost since surgery
on 1/11/11 11:59 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
You should find a big change after pretty well every day from here on out. Angie is right about the Gas ex ... that stuff is a God-send!

Congrats on getting on the loser's bench! Glad everything went well.
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