Anyone else Spacey - Forgetful lately???

on 12/15/10 11:07 am, edited 12/15/10 1:38 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hey guys,

It's been so long since my last drastic weight loss, I forget....hehe (pardon the pun).  Does anyone else have "moments" of forgetfulness or feeling spacey when trying to spit out a sentence??  Or forget what we're supposed to be doing?

.......Or it could be just that I'm getting OLD!!  Gah!
I do recall having these moments when I first had my surgery.  But wonder am I alone?
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 12/15/10 8:29 pm
HA!  My life is one of these moments lately!  lol  I don't think mine is related to the surgery but I do think it might be related to weight loss (though it wasn't rapid weight loss for the 3 years prior to surgery!) and to think, I used to be so smart!!! lmao

I was reading something this morning that said that B vitamin deficiencies could mess with your ability to learn and retain new things (good thing I just read it this morning or I would have forgotten it by now!! lol)  I haven't had any time to look into it any more than that, but let me know if you find anything.  My blood work didn't show any deficiencies but it does seem to have improved since I started taking a B complex. 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/15/10 8:36 pm, edited 12/15/10 8:36 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
I remember hearing Deb (NSGALlivingbythesea) refer to it as weightloss ADD, or something to that effect.  So now it's got me thinking there might be some truth to this.  I'll check into it and post any findings.

As far as I know, I don't have any deficiencies, but the hairloss is coming back again too (not much, but noticing it on the counter).  No complaints here though,...still worth every minute of it!!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 12/15/10 8:43 pm
I'm losing hair by the handful!!  I have a bald spot around my hairline & it's really thinning on top - it wasn't that thick to begin with!!!  AAAAHHHHHH!!!!  I'm trying to figure out what the best hair cut is to cover this up - it's getting pretty thin on top & really noticeable to me    any suggestions for that master hair person??  lol  I think you might have to take up hairdressing again for a minute so you can FIX ME!!!  lol

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/15/10 9:09 pm, edited 12/15/10 9:12 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
As long as I still own my scissors, I'm still stuck doing someone's hair.  LOL  ...can never get away from that profession.

I have always suggested to clients and myself when I lost so much hair and it's thinning to keep the hair layered.  Layers will give you "lift" and not lay flat for the scalp to show through.  Use products like mousse and souffle to give the strands a little extra thickness.  Believe it, a perm will actually make the hair shaft swell and give more fullness too.  

If the thin spot is in the back closer to the neck, you can always have your stylist add a couple extensions to fill in the area.  Bald spots are called "alopecia" and can range from dime size to fist size depending on the disorder.  Stress and malnutrition are major causes.

My hair was extremely thick, and the only thin area now is really in my bang area, so there's not much I can do except to style it in a direction that the layers will cover it.  Like this:  (2nd picture of brunette with razored cut)

From what I remember your hair is above shoulders, long layered with bangs right?  I'd suggest short layers and not much off the length (think inverted bob style).  Wear it with flicks and styled "swooped to the side and front".    Here's a link to one style that you could do... or-women.html   (If you really like this type of style, your best bet is to invest into a good flat iron to smooth out your wave).

Have fun exploring some pics and new styles, you'll need one for the "finished product & a new you"!!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
Mary C.
on 12/17/10 10:50 pm - Glovertown, Canada
Hi - noticed your post here and thought I could help - I copied and pasted a reply I had given to someone who posted a simimar question. Hope it helps.
PS I'm over here in NL - post on the main board and NB boards as I had my surgery in Moncton - but do lurk over on the NS and PEI board at times too - hope you guys don't mind!

The loss of thoughts mid sentence, messing things up, lack of energy etc etc is something I can identify with. I was feeling exactly like this in late July. I was just feeling so stupid and dumb at work and at home. Things came out of my mouth wrong, it was terrible. I work in ER - so sent off some blood work one night. My Hgb was 104. The rest of it was OK. Anyway - to make a long story short - with some consultation with my dietician and increasing my iron and paying more attention to what I eat - I'm happy to say it is now 126 - the best it's been in a while. And the "stupid syndrome" and fatigue that I had is now gone.

So, it's somewhere to look for a possible cause. I suspect your vitamins/supplements and dietary intake need some tweaking. Good luck!

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