more problems for me

on 12/9/10 5:50 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
well I found out today the result of my cat scan shows my spleen is inlarged and the doc thinks that is where all my lost blood is going. I guess the spleen is eating them.
My dr. is going to phone dr. ellsemere tomorrow and see what they should do I guess. The only doc. that does the liver and spleen stuff is out of town until sometime in jan. so I might have to go to Halifax to have anything done. and God knows how long that will take. I am at a loss here wondering what else is going to happen to me. I need some prayers that something can be done soon and that it is not cancerous. thanks
A in NS
on 12/9/10 7:29 am
Well, the news isn't good, but at least they found the problem so now they can fix it!  I wonder if Dr. Ellsmere could remove it and give you the VSG at the same time?  I know they can do it with gall bladders, etc. but I don't know anything about the spleen.  Our thoughts & prayers are with you!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/9/10 8:59 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Oh, dear.
I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a miserable time of it lately. I agree with Angie, though ... at least they have figured it out and it is fixable. I have been and will continue to send good thoughts out into the universe for you.

Just think ... once they figure out and execute the plan of action, you will feel so darned good - you won't know what hit you! Keep your eyes on the prize.

Take good care.
on 12/11/10 9:48 am - Mainland,NS, Canada
I have you in my prayers Capergal.You have my number  and if you  ever need to  talk please call me. That is what friends are for .

I am sure everything will  work out for the best for you . Keep your chin and spirits up.
on 12/20/10 8:36 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Well I called Dr. David Anderson (the hematologist in Halifax I have to see) She told me I was placed on a non urgent list. She said the Doctor looked over the reports and did not think it was urgent. So I asked her how long is this list and she said 3 to 6 MONTHS. Can you imagine. So I called my own Doc. to tell them and he is sending me for blood work tomorrow. Hopefully I won't need any more blood. I guess than he will have to contact Dr. Ellsmere again and see what they are going to do for me now. I sure hope that they can do me before I have to wait 3 to 6 months. One or the other. Man I am so angry about all this. So much to do before Christmas. I have to pick up my little sister at the airport tomorrow. She has not been home for Christmas in about 15 or more years. She and her family come home in the summer every couple of years. My mom doesn't have a clue about it. She will be so excited when I take her there tomorrow. She lives in Barrie and the snow is so bad up there she can't wait to get here even though it is so rainy. lol
It will be great having her home. She hasn't met my 2 youngest grandkids yet.
Ok Better stop now and rewind myself.
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