I am so upset right now....

on 11/29/10 11:20 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
I went to Halifax for my pre-op today. I had my ekg, blood work and talked to the nurse who took every bit of information I think i had in my head. Then I met with the doc that puts ya to sleep(can't spell it) So she goes over everything and it all looked good until she went to talk to another doc. They came back in and told me no  surgery next week. I felt my heart sink. Because of my situation with my blood. I had two units of blood last Friday and i had two units before this. I had the light down and found bacteria in my stomach and I had to take these awful meds for a week . Then I had blood work and that was when I had to get blood.In Oct. It went up some but not enough so had to do the blood work again last week. So I had to get two more last Friday. So now they have to wait and see what comes out of the blood work tomorrow and the cat scan on Thursday. It could be a month or longer before he will give me the date to go back. I won't have to go through what I did today just go for the surgery date. I guess it is better to be safe than sorry. It just upsets me having gone this far only to stop one week before. 
ok enough venting for now, thanks for reading....Gilda  
A in NS
on 11/29/10 11:27 am

Oh no!!!  I am sooo sorry this is happening to you!!  You're right though - better safe than sorry...  hopefully your tests will come back ok and they will get you right back in.  Too bad they can't just find the problem & fix it already!!  Hugs to you & hang in there!!

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 11/29/10 8:47 pm

Hey Gilda,   I'm so sorry to hear you're going to have a delay in your surgery but it's better to be safe than sorry.   You don't want any complications after.   It will be a big enough adjustment and change to your life without having infections or something.  I know how let down you are though!!!   Keep up your spirits and keep in touch, letting us know how you're doing.   We're all thinking good thoughts for you.   

on 11/29/10 9:54 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
I am so sorry to hear that this is so bumpy for you. I will say this, though ... you want to go into this surgery as healthy as possible. The two or three days following are tough enough. The better able you are to heal, the faster you'll get through.

I'll be thinking of you.

Take care.
on 11/29/10 11:47 pm - Halifax, Canada
Oh, i can feel your disappointment from here.  The long ride home must have been awful!  Think positive, in a month, you will be back on the schedule, healthy and super ready to get started in the new year!  Enjoy Christmas (try  not to think about it too much), and look forward to a new you in 2011!!
on 11/30/10 1:45 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

thanks everyone for your well wishes. I had bloodwork this am and talked to my doc. He is getting me to do a urnin test and a stool test to see if it shows up there. or I might just be one of those people that never find out why.

I had a call from Diane and she said the blood I had done up there showed some things were up and some things were down and she would be showing doc elesmere later and she will be getting back to me later. I also might have to have bone marrow test  done. There is no end in sight. Oh well I will just keep thinking after all this I will be healthy and ready to have surgery with no complations.

A in NS
on 11/30/10 6:11 am

It's good to have such a positive attitude when things aren't going the way you would like - it's not an easy thing to do!  Hopefully Dr. Ellsmere will figure out what the problem is!

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/1/10 10:57 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada
well I had my cat scan today. It takes 5 days for the results. My blood is back to good levels now so no more transfusions. Thank God. Now Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I have to do the stool test and a urine test. So if nothing shows up I guess I am just one of those people that there is no explanation for loss of blood. hopefully. Than I will be back on the list for surgery and I won't to wait and go through all that I did on Monday. So hopefully soon.
A in NS
on 12/1/10 11:07 pm
my fingers and toes are crossed for you!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/2/10 5:09 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Thanks Angie
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