Bad Gas ...

on 11/19/10 1:08 am - Lockhartville, Canada
So - I am home ... came home yesterday afternoon. My pain is being managed well ... BUT - I have gas to beat the band!

I'm talking hours of entertainment just listening to it roll through my system... and it hurts. I have been having frequent bouts of the runs and can't seem to fathom putting any sort of sustanence into my body. It makes me want to hurl.

Looking for suggestions.

I'm sip sip sipping water ... both hot and cold ... I've been trying broth and Ensure but the milkiness of the ensure is vile. Starting to feel rather weak and I know I need to get something in there.

Can I take anything? Beano ... something?

Signed ... Noisy in NS

on 11/19/10 4:20 am - Canada

Walking gets rid of the gas- gas-x strips the xtra strength that melt on your tongue can help too. What does the Clinic say to do with xtreme gas.

Nausea can be a result of de-hydration- and you dont want to get to that point - been there have the tshirt- have more than one tshirt for the times I was back in the hospital de-hydrated. I was a summer surgery and that didnt help with the heat of the summer.

Talk to the Clinic and make sure you are getting enough in - if you continue to have the "runs" you are not gaining any ground on staying hydrated.

I had to have a prescription for anti-nausea meds as nothing over the counter was strong enough- so when do you see someone for follow up - you have to find a way to keep yourself nourished.

Some discomfort is normal but gas can play a big role in your pain/discomfort - the moving around will release this - lol - I know you probably dont feel like moving much but thats why they get you up after surgery to get you walking the halls - so you dont end up with a blood clot and to also get rid of the gas from the laprascopic procedure.

Keep sipping- you need to find a source of protein that you can tolerate . Protein is so important for your recovery and will help you get your strength back too.

take care,

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

A in NS
on 11/19/10 5:28 am
Yep, what Deb said!  lol  The gas-x strips helped both Jeff & I through.  Also I came home with a prescription for lansoprazole (Privicet - though I don't know if that is the spelling...) which may help too - you can check with your family doc.

As for the protein, have you tried greek yogurt blended with a little fruit and Splenda - it saved me.  Jeff likes it mixed with Jello (which I think is disgusting! lol) but if you want to try it just make the Jello with the ho****er and instead of adding cold water, add a cup of greek yogurt & mix until it dissolves.  I also drank a lot of skim milk early out...  How are you with protein powders? 
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on 11/19/10 10:10 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Everything makes me feel like I am going to yak. I haven't ... I have a pretty strong desire to NOT throw up. That has saved me thus far.

My issue is that anything remotely sweet just makes my stomach convulse and the broths I have tried seem to hit bottom like they are broken glass. Even sips of water hurt like heck.

I thought I'd try to have a CIB heated up this morning ... kind of a comforting thing ... I've gotten a few sips in.

Trying to move about somewhat. I know that I am certainly better than I was when I got home ... I find I just really want to hit the fast forward button for the next few days.

The most disconcerting thing I am finding is that I am craving inappropriate foods. Like eggs and toast ... or potatoes. (Comfort foods, I think.) I have my doubts I'd get far with eating them ... but my body/brain seems to want em pretty bad - didn't anticipate that one.

I feel like a bloody wimp. Hopeful this hurries up and passes.

Will certainly get the gas ex today.

Thanks for the advice, ladies - I appreciate it very much.
A in NS
on 11/19/10 11:39 pm
Hey Dani, Your only 4 days out - it will get better & better each day!  I'm really sorry you're having issues keeping stuff down - I wonder if you tried making a protein shake & freezing it like pop-sicles if that would help - that way you would be getting some protein in but you wouldn't be swallowing lots at once...  it might be easier for your new tummy.  If you have a chocolate protein powder & it's too sweet, I understand that adding some cocoa powder to it cuts the sweetness.  A while back I posted a recipe for a protein shake that doesn't use protein powder - it's not bad (it uses skim milk powder).

The head stuff is the hardest part of losing weight for me too - I ALWAYS am thinking I want something even though I'm not physically hungry - I think a lot of us suffer from this - but it does get a bit better every day - and when the weight starts flying off, it's inspiring  :)  Plus you can always have some sf jello  ;)

Try not to feel like a wimp - you just had major surgery for crying out loud!!  You wouldn't expect someone who just had a hysterectomy to be up on their feet & feeling perfectly right away, would you?  Give yourself the same consideration (we rarely do!) 

Hang in there!!!  
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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