3,months post suregery

Debbie T.
on 11/14/10 10:11 pm - Canada
Well guys,

I am three months post surgery and have learned some valuable lessons that include:

1. I am carb sensitive and any amount of carbs messes with my weight loss.
2. Grazing  is not a good thing.
3. I need to keep a food diary as it keeps me honest.
4. Surgery is only a tool and unless we use that tool as we are meant to we can sabatogue ourselves.

On a positve note I am down 51 pounds since surgery for an overall loss of 86 pounds. I go to the gym at least 5 times a week and can stay on the elliptical trainer for 40 minutes. I can walk places and distances I never could. I am down two pant sizes and 4 shirt sizes.

So I am resolved to eliminate most carbs fgrom diet, keep that food diary and to remember that I am only human and am allowed to make mistakes and learn from them.
Weight lost since surgery
on 11/14/10 11:51 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada
Hi Debbie, glad you are doing well. Any pictures yet. I love seeing peoples shrinking pictures. lol I am sure I will be like you and have to keep a food diary. I have been going to T-Zone. It is a machine you stand on for 10 minutes and it jiggles you. !0 minutes on it equals 1 hour of exercise. It is toning me up and I am losing inches.
Keep up the good work Debbie. Yes sir we are only human and we have to make mistakes in order to learn how to do things the right way.
A in NS
on 11/15/10 2:06 am
Wow, you're doing GREAT!!!  I have to keep a food journal too - I got lazy & stopped after surgery but this week the weight loss stalled so I started again.  Has anyone tried the nutrition tracker (under tools) on here?  I just tried it out yesterday & I really like it so far...  Keep up the good work, Debbie!  :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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