Pre Surgery Blues ... anyone?

on 10/26/10 12:03 am - Lockhartville, Canada
Did anyone else experience an almost hormonal span of time leading up to their surgery?

I am finding I am weepy and feeling really alone (which is silly as I have superman for a husband and you guys for inspiration and encouragement) ... but true, none the less.

I'd think I was preggers if it wasn't impossible.

Did anybody else experience anything like this?

A in NS
on 10/26/10 12:17 am
For me, waiting for a surgery date was torture, but then when they called I was ecstatic - then I cried & doubted what I was doing - then I was ecstatic again - it was bizarre!!  lol  It's a pretty big step so I think it's normal to have a lot of different emotions about it - it's not like your getting an ingrown toenail fixed!!  lol 

In hindsight I am so glad I had this done - I'm only a little over 3 months out, but I can do so many things already that I couldn't do pre-surgery - it really is a dream come true for me  :)

Hang in there - it's worth it
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 10/26/10 12:22 am - Lockhartville, Canada
Thanks Angie ...
I know in my heart this is what I want to do. I just wish I could stop crying. I'm not normally a cryer and it is disconcerting ... not to mention wet. *sigh*

Only 21 more sleeps :)

A in NS
on 10/26/10 12:33 am
Just keep talking about it - either to a friend, your hubby, or on here - it does help & even though it may feel like you are, your NOT alone!  

So you get sleeved on November 21?  Jeff will be getting his surgery on November 9!  :)  He is a little more calm about it because he went through the whole thing with me already so there is a little less fear of the unknown for him I think. 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 10/26/10 12:42 am - Lockhartville, Canada
Jeff is the week before me ... I'm on the 16th.

Good luck to him!
on 10/26/10 12:56 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Hi Dani!

Just like Angie says, it's an extreme roller coaster of emotions, I too felt the same way, but will say over and over again, I have never regretted having my surgery!!  I love my pouch tool and if I take care of "her", she will always be good to me.  Without that surgery, and the road I was heading I don't know if I would have been as successful with weight loss.

Best of'll do just fine and once the surgery is over, you'll never look back!  ((((HUGS)))
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 10/26/10 2:46 am - Stewiacke, Canada
speaking as a need to remember that you didn't get to this point because food is not important to you. It has been a big part of your life and now you are letting it go. It's been a comfort,a social outlet and is a major focus in all our big moments (holidays, weddings, celebtrations...) How many times have you looked forward to an upcoming event because of the food that will be there. How long do you spend planning your dish for a potluck's part of everything. I'm sure the thought has come to mind already about how you are going to socialize at Christmas without making food the focal point of that celebration. Your friend is moving away and you won't be spending as much time together so you are going to have to redefine your relationship but you don't have to say goodbye. Change is scary but it's exciting and you are about to embark on an exciting adventure! You will be fabulous!


on 10/26/10 12:24 pm - Canada
Hi there

This is known on the boards as your "Two Week Freak" - most of us go through it - you go through a whole host of emotions - highs to lows and I mean way low like I am not making the right decision lows.

Keep talking and reaching out to people online- family -friends for support do not turn to food to get you through- there is no need for a last meal celebration - at some point you can again eat just about anything - in diff quantities and you will have a different mind set and make healthier choices. But dont turn to food - you will only have to turn around and lose it! lol

I will tell you that the emotional roller coaster continues for many of us - our hormones are stored in our 'fat cells" so to speak so if you rapidly lose weight it can seem like some pretty severe pms or the blues- you will also have a lot of moments of happy and wows - again ups and downs. Just knowing this can make you be a lil more prepared and give loved ones a heads up.

I am not familiar with the program in Halifax as I was self pay in Montreal- but I will tell you at almost 2 + years out - and I think someone else mentioned it - we all have depended on food - it was how we celebrated and mourned- for many of us it was the only friend we had through difficult times- basically (I know I dont know you personally) but therapy goes a long way - if you dont address why you ate- the why will usually rear its head at some point.Not too many get into the 2nd and 3rd year beyond without having to do some hard work with emotions and the mental gunk as I call it.

So I am now doing the head stuff- I have lost the weight and I dont miss the food - but I am going through big mental challenges and mood swings and I did not do therapy all the way through- I wish like so many I had done it pre-op and post op.

Some Bariatric programs now are mandating post ops continue with therapy for the first year. With all the research and contacts I have made it makes perfect sense!

Two great books addressing a lot of the mental gunk are:

Eat it up by Dr Connie Stapleton

The Emotional First + Aid Kit - A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery by Cynthia L Alexander.

Good luck with everything - and lastly I will add that support groups are the key to long term success.

If you are on fb you can hook up with me under
Cdn Gastric Chicky

There is a huge amount of post ops from all over the world and a strong network of people- you get a lot of info and resources about Health and Bariatrics. I live in the Halifax area - and will usually post when there is a support group meeting - I am not in charge of them but there is a girl from the Halifax WLS clinic that started them - I think she is trying to get them up and running again. If you want her info let me know and I will give you her name and email.

Take care,

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

on 10/26/10 10:11 pm - Halifax, Canada
I would like the info on the Halifax support group....

on 10/28/10 12:23 am - Canada
Hey Kat

Chk on the NS Forum I posted about the meeting that has been organized for October - its kinda last minute but she was waiting for responses.

Erins contact info is in the posting.

Happy Halloween

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

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