Denied by MSI

on 10/17/10 12:33 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Do you know if Dr. Perry is still doing any bariatric surgeries?  He was also doing the VBGs when I had mine done.  There was another doctor as well, his last name slips me, but it started with a "G".

I think all in all, VBGs are seldom done anywhere now (worldwide), due to all the complications.  And unfortunately my generation were the "trials".  It was still new and not much was known about this far out for long term effects.  They used to say it was reversible, but they've learned that's not possible when the stomach heals around the staples. 

When did the QEII stop doing gastric bypass as the main procedure?

Luckily for me, I have no problems.  The biggest issue is being careful not to get something stuck, and that is why I've learned they now do the sleeve.  Othere than that, my xrays show that all the staples and band are still in place, and my pouch settled to the size of 1-cup volume. 

I recently went back to the 5-day pouch test with great results!!!

Don't feel hopeless Carly and everyone else waiting.....keep having the faith that something will happen. 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
Carly ~
on 10/17/10 3:01 am
When I was first referred in Jan 1999, the only surgeon doing surgeries was Dr. A. MacDonald in Halifax.   I think he only did open VBG.

I'm pretty sure the only surgery the QE2 does it the VSG, since it's the only procedure MSI will cover.   It's the only surgery choice since the opening of the new Obesity Network/Clinic in Halifax. 

I think there are two surgeons working there, primary being Dr. James Ellsmere and Dr. Dennis Klassen doing one surgery a week (I think).   I'm not familiar with Dr. Perry, or another doctor doing them in Halifax.  But if that was more than 12 yrs ago, since my referral it was only Dr. MacDonald.  Then there was a lapse of about a year or so with no surgeon in NS, so MSI covered patients go out of province for surgeries.
on 10/23/10 12:26 pm - Stewiacke, Canada
hi. I have been trying to look this doctor up so I can give my doctor his info for a referal but I can't find him, is there anymore info you can give me?
Carly ~
on 10/16/10 3:16 am, edited 10/16/10 3:18 am

This doesn't make sense at all.  
MSI covers the sleeve, no exceptions.

The wait for the surgery doesn't mean MSI has declined her.  It's how long it will take to be seen by the Obesity Clinic in Halifax.

If she's placed on the secondary list because she has no other co-morbidities, it will be a lot longer than a few years.    Also, the clinic here doesn't put you on the primary list for sleep apnea, joint pain, poor mobility, fluid retention, high risk heart/diabetes, chronic bronchitis, etc.   I have all of that, and didn't hit the primary list criteria, which I'm told is diabetes or heart disease.

My referral is still there, going nowhere, because I was placed on the secondary list.  I've been waiting almost 12 yrs now, without ever going to an information session or group meeting.    How long you wait is not MSI's decision, it's up to the Clinic.
Soon, maybe soon -- once I acquire diabetes or heart disease.. I should be able to be placed on the primary list.

(deactivated member)
on 10/16/10 8:39 am - Canada
Carly, I didn't have sleep apnea, fluid retention, etc but I had my surgery last Feb. I had some joint pain and mobility issues (not much).
Has the clinic told you that this is why you are not on the primary list?
Carly ~
on 10/16/10 6:24 pm, edited 10/16/10 6:39 pm
Yes, the staff at the clinic told me that I'll be on the secondary list indefinitely, because the demand is so high with people with other co-morbidities such as diabetes and heart.

Janet was very sympathetic to my cir****tances and health, Diana told me I could go on the week 3 post op diet indefinitely and lose all the weight I needed to without the surgery.  She claimed she had one patient successful in doing that, but it's not something I would be able to stick to or do without the tool of the surgery to help with such a drastic diet for such a long period of time.

All of the reasons I mentioned, (sleep apnea, fluid retention, etc) were the reasons my specialist thought I should be placed on the primary list.  He's requested it several times over the years, but the clinic said most of the secondary list, or any overweight person has the same health issues I have.  It wasn't enough to go on the primary list.

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/10 1:27 am, edited 10/17/10 1:29 am - Canada
Not sure how I got on the primary list then.  No heart issues or diabetes here.
But I am glad I did!
Carly ~
on 10/17/10 2:25 am, edited 10/17/10 2:44 am
I'm glad you did too!
You're one of the random secondary list people that were chosen to be done.

Janet told me if they go completely through the primary list, and people have moved/changed their minds/new contact information not updated, etc - they sometimes make it to the secondary list.   There are about 450 people on the primary list - each information session takes 50 new patients.

I called to check a few months ago, and they had gone through the first 350 primary patients on the list, and only had 25 spots filled.  She was sweet, trying to give me hope - saying that she only had 100 more patients to call from the primary list, and maybe all 25 remaining spots wouldn't be filled.  It was quite a stretch to say the least.

At that time, Janet said to try a two week trial of protein shakes, keep a journal, make a binder like patients who have gone to the information session, and stay in touch via email with any weight loss efforts and exercise, etc.  That sometimes, because someone has proven their commitment to the surgery and the new lifestyle, people may be chosen from the secondary list.

Also, the secondary list isn't by need, or referral time - it's sorted alphabetically.  Which sucks.  My last name doesn't start with A, or any letter close to the beginning.

It's only my opinion, but I think someone with a lower BMI and no co-morbitities may be a good  boost for statistical purposes as well.  Less complications, more success.  Although I don't have any other co-morbitiies, my BMI is extremely high, so I'm a higher risk.

I'm glad for you though really - that by fluke you were chosen and are on the loser's bench!  

on 10/18/10 11:38 am, edited 10/18/10 11:44 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi Carley!!!
Really that long!!!....I was referred to Dr. M...back in 2002 and saw him in 2004 if that was the year he left Halifax. Then I got a letter in 2008 for an appointment with Dr. Klassen in April 08 and was booked for surgery May 08, got cancelled till June 08...I didn't have any co-morb...Guess I was lucky in one way, but, not in another..Ended up with a leak coming out of surgery and was hell the first year and a half...

Would do it all over again, minus the leak!! Love the new tool!!

I hope you get a call soon.



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

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