Blood work

on 10/5/10 5:00 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

well yesterday I went for blood work for my visit next week with the team. Well my own doctor called and I had to go today. He said my blood is REALLY LOW. I guess it is suppose to be around 125 and mine is 75. Needless to say now I have to go and 2 transfusions on Thursday at 8am. And I have to go have the light up. woohoo such fun as long as they put me out enough  to do,last time I woke up half way through it and let me tell you it was not a pleasent experence. I sure hope this doesnot cos any problems with my meeting next wednesday. I might hear from Diane and she may have to call my own doctor. Before i had my bloodwork I had to see my dermatologist and she did another biopsy on my leg cos I have sarcoid on my skin. It just never ends does it. And all this before I get my surgery. I will be praying everything goes well enough for me to get the go ahead. 

Sorry for the length of this just venting I guess. And to top it off yesterday was my 58th. Birthday. Thanks for reading.....Gilda

A in NS
on 10/5/10 7:23 am
Hang in there, I'm sure it will all work out...  Keep us posted - and Happy Birthday  :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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