I'm Home

Debbie T.
on 8/13/10 5:51 am - Canada
Hi Everyone,

I am home . Hard to believe two days ago I was waiting at the hospital for my surgery.  The nurses at the step down unit were wonderful.  After that I ended up in a ward with a very noisy neighbour who had a parade of phone calls and visitors all of which were very loud.  All I wanted to do was rest and that made it very difficult. Needless I am thrilled to be home to my own bed.  It is interesting. Whenever I drink I can feel my stomach and the fuid entering it. I think I am going to struggle to get enough intake in these first few days. HAVE TO SAY i AM NOT HUNGRY AT ALL!!!!!!!  I don't ever remember feeeling this way before. Something to celebrate.  I have been able to move around well and walk but get very tired.
Bye for now.

Weight lost since surgery
(deactivated member)
on 8/13/10 7:35 am - Canada
Glad to hear you are home and all is well. 
I had an annoying neighbor in the hospital too.  That night after my surgery she was on the phone with her friends talking about drinking diet pepsi and eating oreos.  I wanted to go through the curtain and punch her in the head!

You will struggle to get your intake in the first few weeks.  Just do the best you can!

A in NS
on 8/13/10 9:40 am
So glad to hear you're home & doing well!  I had a noisey neighbor too - in the step down unit - it was terrible - I wanted to tell them to - well, you know! lol  Keep us updated on how you're feeling!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 8/14/10 12:21 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

so glad that you are doing so well. At least now you can rest at home. take care.

A in NS
on 8/16/10 11:05 pm
How are you feeling today?

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 8/17/10 2:17 am - Canada
Hi Angie,

Working hard at getting my fluids in as well as protein. A couple of times I forgot I need to sip and put too much in and was uncomfortable. My staple sites are inflamed so am getting them out tomorrow at Diana's suggestion.  On a positive note I am on track for three short walks today, my step count is increasing and I have lost all the weight I gained in hospital and more.  And the best thing of all is not feeling hungry!!!  I still marvel at that every day.

Weight lost since surgery
A in NS
on 8/17/10 5:21 am
It is amazing not to be hungry - what's even harder to wrap my head around is how little I can eat - we were at an appointment in Halifax with my mother yesterday so we had to eat out - we went to Swiss Chalet & I ordered a hamburger patty with cheese on it - no bread, no veggies - I ate 1/4 (1.3 oz) of it and was stuffed & was it ever good - UNTIL I got home and looked up the nutritional content of a hamburger patty @ Swiss Chalet - the 1/4 that I ate had 120 calories in it & an ungodly amount of fat - I won't eat there again since there isn't much that's decent at all!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 8/17/10 6:01 am - Canada
Thanks for the head up on that. I can't wait to have minced chicken mixed with Chalet sauce. I buy the mix from the grocery store.
Weight lost since surgery
on 8/18/10 2:20 am - Sydney, Canada
Excellent ! I am glad to see that you are feeling so good ! Gives me some much needed confidence. Best of luck with getting all your liquids.
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