Another NS newbie

on 8/13/10 10:29 am - Sydney, Canada
Hey everybody ! My name is Rhonda and I have just started my lap band journey. My Dr. sent a referal to a surgeon in Halifax. I have been reading some of the stories and I wasn't too happy to hear that my wait could be up to 7 years. I could  be dead by then !! I hear from some people who know people getting the band that MSI will pay for everything but the band itself. Does anyone know if there are any ways or steps I can take to quickin the whole process? What have been your wait times if you don't mind me asking  
A in NS
on 8/13/10 11:59 am
Hi Rhonda,
I'm not the best one to answer your questions, but I wanted to welcome you!  I'm pretty sure they only do vsg in Halifax & lapband (and other surgeries) in NB - I know there are people here who can better answer though!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 8/13/10 11:47 pm - Canada
Hi Rhonda,

The wait for the vertical sleeve (which seems to have better results than the band) is not 7 years. They have revamped the program and seem to be taking people in by priority and how good they are at doing the tasks they have to do.
Weight lost since surgery
on 8/14/10 12:11 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

hi Rhonda, we live pretty close to each other. My doctor sent in my request last fall and I got my call to go to the March 1st. session. After that they sent a questionare to be filled out and sent back. I think that was around May. I got my papers (including my blood work paper) and the time I have to go meet the team, which is October 13th at 10:00. Hopefully it won't be too long after that that I go to meet Dr. Ellsmere and he gives me a date for my surgery. They are only doing the sleeve here. It is suppose to be better than the rest. Did your Dr. say that it is the band that he was sending you for? I think that most people are getting in faster now. I hope this helps. Oh and msi pays for all of it.

on 8/17/10 4:53 am, edited 8/17/10 4:54 am - Sydney, Canada
I am so excited that someone close by is going through the same thing. I am nervously excited and full on scared at the same time. I did some checking on the sleeve online and it does sound like the better option for long term success. Do you mind if I ask how much weight you have to lose? I have about 200 give or take.....I was going to say I have a long road ahead of me, but after seeing the CAPITAL HEALTH before and after pics it doesn't look like it will be that long after all. If all goes well. Which brings up another !!! Have you seen or heard of people with excessive amounts of loose skin from rapid weight loss with the sleeve. This is something I am very nervous about, where exercise will be limited for me until my pelvis heals. Questions Questions.....sorry I am full of them. I'm sure you are as well...I hope you time flies for you to get yours. Keep me posted.
on 8/16/10 10:20 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Hi Rhonda;

I thought my doc was putting me on the Lap Band list when I was referred, but I wound up at the VG and I am very pleased with how quickly things are moving. I was in the March 1st (2010) class and have my clinic appointment on Sept 29th.
It's not reversable, and in some ways seems a little scarier than the band - but my doctor would not condone a WLS for me until the Vertical Sleeve became available in NS. (She was willing to consider the band as well ... I was never able to get an answer as to how much the darned thing costs)
Based on what I have read, Halifax is only performing the VSG at this time. They now have (correct me if I am wrong) 3 surgeons ... the names of whom, I can't seem to recall right now - I know there is J Ellsmere and there was a female surgeon present at the March session and I believe there is another male surgeon as well. I believe this is why the wait times are decreasing.

It is worth a look. If you go into the site:¢erContent.Id.0=41162

Everything you need should be on that page somewhere - including the referal for your doc to sign.
Goiod luck!
on 8/16/10 11:24 pm - Sydney, Canada
Wow! Thanks for all the reply's guys....very helpful. My Dr. just said surgery and I said "do you mean Lap Band ?" and he said Yes ! So, I assume that it is the band, but he did say Halifax . So I guess he meant the sleeve. I don't care what it is...I am ready for anything that helps get me moving. I have a crack in my pelvis from an accident I had 6 years ago that won't heal because of my weight. Very painful !! Is there a big difference in the ban and the sleeve? I am a bit nervous about having surgery, because I tend to vomit alot from the medication afterwards. I can't imagine that that would be pleasant after stomach surgery. Anyway, thanks for all the reply's . I look forward to more conversations......
on 8/17/10 5:14 am - Canada
Hi Rhonda,
I just wanted to let you know there are forums for both the lap band and VSG on the OH site - just look under weight loss surgery at the top left of the page & you should be able to find them  :)
on 8/18/10 12:22 am - Sydney, Canada
Thanks Jeff, I was just checking the site out . Very Helpful
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