Update - 2 weeks out!

A in NS
on 7/27/10 10:23 am
Well, what a week it's been!  I lost 15lbs the first week and then I hit that &*(&* stall!!  To be honest I thought the stalls happened when people weren't doing what they're supposed to be doing - well guess what???  I was eating the right amount of protein/calories/fluids and exercising daily and it still happened!!  Not only did I hit a stall, but I actually gained 2lbs - talk about a BUMMER!!!  It was sooo frustrating & disappointing!!  The stall lasted for 3-4 days and then, the day after my son's 3rd birthday party - the party where I had a finger full of icing (ooohhhh, a whole finger full!!! lol) I lost!  Thankfully, because I was getting pretty down about it - I know your body needs time to catch up and that any weight loss is good, but I just still found it pretty depressing - I'm better now!  :)  Anyway, I was 270lbs the day of surgery and today I was 252lbs - so that's 18lbs - average of 9lbs/week - so I will take it!  :)  I am almost completely off the pain meds now - I still take one before bed because my belly button incision still hurts if I am changing positions but I don't think I will need it much longer - I no longer take it to exercise or for long drives.  I am still putting fucidin on the belly button incision and it's starting to get better - other than the sting of that every now and again, and some fatigue after I exercise - I feel pretty good!  I finished my round of antibiotics because I had a bacterial infection of some sort so I went for blood tests today - hopefully that is all gone.  I will try to do an update weekly so if I forget just send me a reminder & I'll get off my butt!!  :)  As usual, if you have any questions, just let me know!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 7/27/10 10:33 am, edited 7/27/10 10:49 am
I forgot to say that I am really, really, REALLY getting tired of the liquid diet!!!!!!  Sick of everything tasting like protein powder just to be sure to get enough protein in every day - sick of jello with protein powder - sick of pudding with protein powder - sick of soup with protein powder (though I did blend up a can of cream of chicken soup with a cup of milk and a can of flakes of chicken & that didn't taste too bad - though it was really salty) so if anyone has any ideas for something new on a liquid diet (especially something that's high in protein), I'm all ears!!  Also, if anyone knows of a place to eat in Halifax (or Truro, for that matter) where I can get cream of whatever soup, that would be great too (hubby and son still like to eat!!  lol).  Anyway, just 2 more weeks of the liquids - thankfully!!!

Just remembered to add that I can now wear my engagement ring again!!!!  Haven't been able to do that in YEARS!!  AND I tried on a pair of 1x pants from Penningtons and they fit!!!  I know it's still big, but when you once wore a 6x that's a pretty big victory!! :)  Just 2lbs more to join the century club!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 7/27/10 11:53 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
You are doing really great Angie. I hope I can do as well as you. Sure it was nice to get your ring on and clothes that fit now. In a few weeks you will be looking for new clothes a lot smaller. keep up the good work.
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/10 11:57 am - Canada
Keep it up!!! You are rockin it girl!!!!

When do you get your staples out?  I got mine out 10 days after surgery.

You reminded me that I should go for my bloodwork tomorrow morning.

A in NS
on 7/27/10 12:03 pm

My staples were supposed to come out at 10 days, but my family doc would have been on vacation that day so they actually came out at 9 days - thank goodness because they were driving me crazy with the pulling and itching - plus they were starting to get really red and puss filled.  Glad I could help you remember your blood work!!  lol

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 7/28/10 6:42 am - Canada
Hi Angie,

Keep up the good work.  Do you find you are hungry at all? I am doing three day stints at liquid followed by a day off in preparation for starting the pre-surgery on August 3. I have created a soup using chicken broth, a scoop of protein powder and 2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter blended. Sometimes I add barbeque sauce or thai curry paste. I find it really filling and since I really miss peanut butter solves that problem.
Weight lost since surgery
A in NS
on 7/28/10 11:26 am
Hi Debbie,
I do get hungry sometimes, but I think it's because I'm still on liquids - if I drink (eat) something it usually subsides.  I do have head hunger to deal with though!  Certainly not as bad as it used to be, but it is still there more than I would like (of course, I would like none at all! lol)  I never would have thought to add peanut butter to the chicken broth - does it cover the taste of the protein powder?
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
Debbie T.
on 7/29/10 8:12 am - Canada

The peanut butter really does mask the protein powder

Weight lost since surgery
on 7/29/10 5:40 am - NS, Canada
Angie, I'm so glad to see you are doing so well.  Good for you.  You should be really pleased with your weight loss - it sounds really good! 

Take good care,

MJ ;)
on 7/29/10 7:26 am - Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey Angie, you are doing amazing.  Don't be too hard on yourself, remember you've just had major surgery and could still be retaining IV fluids as well as swelling.

Greek Yogurt has 20 grams of protein, cottage cheese is high as well, just a thought.  You are almost done this stage and soon it will be a distant memory.

Keep up the great job,


                5'10 ~ HW 333 / SW 319 / CW 223 / Goal 170

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