Halifax and Area Weight Loss Support Group Meeting for April


on 4/6/09 1:38 am - Canada
A Meeting for the Halifax and Area Weight
Loss Surgery Support Group is taking place:

Saturday April 25th from 1-3 pm


5820 University Avenue
Dickson Building
5th Floor
Room: 5110
Halifax, Nova Scotia

No Food permitted only beverages please

Have a great day

on 4/18/09 7:49 am - BRIDGEWATER, Canada
I am unable to attend the meeting of the support group at this time, but I was wondering if you would pose a question for me, please?

I had my WLS on 18 March 09 and for the last month I have been extremely nauseated and have absolutely no appetite at all...is there anyone in the group who has/is experiencing these issues?...

I would appreciate any help you can give me with this...I am at my wit's end and wondering what on earth I have done to myself...please help~~~

Thank you,

on 4/19/09 7:16 am - Canada
Hi Kathie

I am so sorry you are experiencing severe nausea.

I did not have VSG but on June 10 2008 I had RNY - I was sick with complications for the first 4 months.

I had extreme nausea and could not get anything to stay down. My family dr prescribed anti-nausea medication that patients receiving chemo take -it helped enough to allow me to get some fluids in .

I also had to be admitted 2 times back into the hospital because of dehydration - and its a viscious cycle once you become dehydrated the only way to resolve it is thru IV fluids - the nausea from it is unbearable and will just make you more ill if you can not get enough fluids in or keep enough down.

Your body needs your protein shakes to heal from the surgery it also gives you energy - I couldnt do high protein shakes but I could manage to sip away at diabetic boost and my dr had me add in beneprotein which is tasteless and you can mix it in anything to get in more protein.

You are not alone but you need to contact your clinic in Halifax to ask what they suggest and your family dr can evaluate you for the dehydration and if they are not available and you get much worse just go to Emerg- if you are feeling that low you are probably dehydrated.

I had buyers remorse for quite a while and I had zero appetite if my hubby hadnt forced things into me I would have not ate or drank I was ill I couldnt have cared less - I have been there I know how you are feeling it does get better .

If you would like to pm me and send me your email address I can post your question to the gals emails I have that have had the VSG surgery and maybe they can provide some advice- also be sure to do what Jane suggested and post on the surgical forums under VSG you will get a lot of answers- so many people on it.

Hang in there Kathie this will get better hon


        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

on 4/20/09 1:04 am - BRIDGEWATER, Canada
Thank you Deb...yes, please, post my question to the others...I appreciate it very much..I haven't eaten or drank anything today...right now my stomach isn't really sck and I'm afraid to try anything cause it will make me sick....the only thing that doesn't make me sick is a small Mr Freeze.

I spent yesterday afternoon at OPD due to the nausea I have had...I called my surgeon this morning and he and his colleagues are away at a convention until next week...I do have an appt with my GP for 4pm so am hoping he can help me...the anti nausea shot they gave me yesterday helped somewhat but not totally...maybe it is psychological...I don't know...all I do know is that I'm still very sick.

I'll keep you updated...and thank you sooo much for your support....I'll pm you my email address.


on 4/20/09 10:52 am - Canada
Hey Kathie

I sent out your question and situation to the gals I have on file as having VSG - hope you will get some handy hints and helpful tips that will give you some relief.

Just let me know if there is anything else I can do for ya.

Take care,


        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

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