*Loosing Hope* Is there any hope

on 5/20/08 7:20 am - Kentville, Canada
Hi all, Im new to this posting group so bear with me please.. I have been reading post after post and I have to say as I sit here and cry, I realy don't I have 7 years to wait.. I get sicker every year. I started asking my doctor for help back in 1999 but the only answer I could get from him was I was too high risk and the waiting list is about 5 years. My husband and I are both large people and dream about having surgery done or have someone step up and helping us. Neither of us can work due to our health concerns so we are stuck in a system that doesen't give us enough money a month to live off of, but yet they complaine when we have again another special needs form filled out for something else. I need a cpap machine for my sleep apena and our so called medical coverage covers nothing for that and the machine cost $2000.00 plus a mask of about $240.00. My husband also needs one. If they would cover our surgery then most of our helth problems would get solved and within a couple years we both could be out working.. I don't see why they wont do this it saves them money in the long run.... So after reading how long people have to wait for surgery I can't see how in the world I could ever get anything done... Loosing hope
Fredricka MacLean
on 5/27/08 7:54 am - Canada
I hear you! I had the same problem with all of the general practitioners I have dealt with. They are too patronizing to do a little research...they stick to the old....diet and exercise...with absolutely no understanding of how ridiculous that is to someone who needs to lose over 100 lbs or more..... I became obese through diet and exercise, its called yo yo dieting.....so now in order to lose weight and maintain the weight I would have to eat 900 calories a day and work out 1 1/2 hour per day, 5 days per week. I don't know about you, but guess what, I'm not interested!!!!!! There is a program called FAT: What They are Not TElling You.....that was aired on PBS Boston and it changed my life....finally someone who has more medical credentials than all of those Drs put together explains what is happening in our bodies and why we are struggling.....and why RNY Gastric Bypass works. They also talk about how family drs are no help to us because they don't want to understand...it is a form of prejudice.... I believe if you find the right family doctor, you could get in pretty quickly. My friend just found out she's going to be scheduled in the next 6 months....RNY Gastric Bypass has a shorter list as everyone pretty much wants lap band......so hang in there and keep plugging away!!!!! Someone is bound to listen...... Tell your Dr.....I don't care if you agree with me or not.....I want a consultation with the surgeon Dr. Ellesmere....he is the one that does RNY Gastric Bypass. Dr. Klassen may as well but I'm not sure. Don't ever give up!!!!! Fight for what you want. If you have a BMI over 50 then quite a few surgeons are unwilling to do the surgery. You should check to make sure that Dr. Ellesmere or Dr. Klassen will even do the surgery before you start the process. If they say no, then you really need to have them explain to you why they don't want to.....and if it is because the risk to your life is too great, then you need to listen to them. People die from having this surgery. The Testimonial Forum here on this site can testify to that. You must weigh the risk. Is it worth dying for? I'm not saying it isn't, because no one can answer that question for you, I am just saying it is a question you need to ask yourself.
on 5/27/08 10:56 pm - Summerside, Canada
Dear "losing hope" I have felt your pain and I have shared it for a very long time. I have tried right across Canada and the states to have this done. I shared the same desperation you feel. One day, Last year I set a goal for myself. I wanted to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. For the body part I need to lose about 200 lbs. I was relentless. You need to be too. I am from PEI, if you are from outside of Nova Scotia, contact your province's out of province medical co-ordinator. That is actually the second step. The first and most important is to get the doctor to send a referral. I am getting my surgery on June 3rd by Dr. Ellsemere. By the way my BMI is 54. Dr. Ellsemere is performing the surgery. I really didn't care what my doctor felt about it. I went online got the form, filled it out and had her simply sign it. Then called everyday to see if it was sent until it was. Then I keep calling the province to see if it was approved, until it was. When you go to the Halifax website, you will see Diana Lawlor as the contact person. She is the person you need to be the nicest to! She moved mountains for me, I e-mailed her alot! (squeaky wheel!) Be very nice, but never back down. Keep your name there in the forfront. She will ask you to send a short bio about why you need this surgery, how it has affected your way of life etc. Hold nothing back. If health concerns can move you up on the list, play it for all it's worth! I made it quite clear that I didn't think I would be alive in 5 years. I was on Dr. MacDonald's list, I never got to see him. I was waiting, not doing anything for five years. Last year when I decided to follow up, I found out he had retired about 3 years prior to that. The letter I had originally received said not to contact them. Great, nice if they had of let me know! That's was when I started my cross country search. Everywhere is 5 to 7 years wait. I felt I would be dead by then. I became rather obssessed. I felt if I could keep pushing for the states which had a 3 week waiting period!, I could get it done. I spent most of my year fighting for that. The province wouldn't approve it. I kept in contact with a surgeon in New York, very regularly. He offered to do the surgery for free, we just need the hospital fees. It was still a no go. He told me about who to contact in my province etc. He was vey helpful. So then that left the only real alternative, New Brunswick, Dr. Beausoleil. Well, that was still too long for me. I think I was looking at about 5 years, and the province was pushing me (I felt) to the lapband. Well the band itself you have to pay for out of your own pocket. It is about 2,000. I believe. Plus the trips to have it adjusted. That was not the answer for me. With my constant yet realitively new found interest in my health, I found out that I had an eating disorder. Binge eating. I found out that there was a place in Guelph, Ontario that has an in-patient program that lasts for 9 weeks to treat this disorder. They don't accept anyone who had weight loss surgery nor do they condone it. They never knew that I was considering it. I felt it was too long in the future to consider it at the time. I got approved to go there by the province and did my nine weeks. I learned why I eat for comfort and have learned to deal with this issues. Food is just food. It is no longer a weapon I use against myself. Or those that have hurt me in the past. Weight loss surgery is just a tool to help you get your life back. If you are not ready to give up your present habits. Then this surgery is not for you. Try the liquid diet for a week. You will need to do some form of exercise even if it is a five minute walk. That's how I started. I now do about 15. I need to get up to at least 30. But that will be in time and less weight. I know the frustration, get your referral in. Then take positive action. I don't know if you have ever watch the DVD 'The Secret", I used it for this. Also, Louise L. Hay is vey motivational. Keep your motivation high. Replace the negative thoughts with positive one's. It's no longer "IF" I get this surgery, it's WHEN. Don't let anyone along the way stop you. Or discourage you. No doubt, you like me, can be easily discouraged. But get that inner strength you have and hang on tight to it. It is very important that you eat three meals a day. Homewood's schedule is by the Canada Food Guide that you can get online. The schedule is: 7:30 breakfast. 10:15 snack. 12 noon. Lunch. 2:15 snack, 5 supper, 8:30 snack. The a.m. and p.m/ snack were optional. The evening one was not. Now, if I feel hungry, I ask myself what is my motivation? Is it boredom, was it something I saw on tv, or am I actually hungry? Most times, I never ate when I was actually hungry. So, when I feel like eating other than those times, I tell myself, it's just another hour (s****il I can eat next and I find a distraction. Make a list of things that you like to do, read, knit, or go for a walk. It takes about 1/2 an hour to let the food thought pass. Think of food as medicine. You need it to live, you don't live to eat. It can no longer be a focus. Salad was a big thing there. Twice a day. Well, I am not one for the kitchen, so I buy the bags of salad's already done. I was never one to eat salad. Now I accept it as a part of my day. In Homewood, you don't have a choice. So you learn to eat properly. Journalling is a must. When you don't have food to stuff your feelings, you will need another outlet. Write it all down. You can burn it afterwards. It has to come out, it will come out, just don't let it be in an eating disorder way. Do some research, be proactive, set goals that you can and will keep. you are in for a fight. It is one you will win. The reward is not just your life, it is a quality of life you have always desired. The surgery is only part of the solution. You will gain it back if you don't change your life style. Others will help you when you show them how much you want it and that you are worth it. Sister, you are so worth it. Say it a million times, write it on your bathroom mirror, anywhere. Set forth today with a positive attitute and good luck. Keep me posted! I am rooting for you! P.S. once I met with Dr. Ellsmere in April. He said he was booked for May, and that I was next on the list for June! Well he was true to his word. June 3rd! He doesn't do waiting lists. If you get your consult. (that is Diana Lawlor you have to impress!) you are in, in a matter of weeks. 6 possibly. Roughly! He told me to lose 10 pounds and the nutritionist there said to try the liquid diet for a week. I am staying strong by keeping the big picture in mind. So there is hope, it's in your court! So again. Good luck girl!
on 6/6/08 6:40 am - Kentville, Canada
I was wondering if you could give me the link you got the paper that your doctor signed ? and your doctors name I see mine next week I want to be armed with some names... Thanks
on 6/10/08 11:01 am - Summerside, Canada
I cannot find the link to the form anywhere! I searched for hours. You can contact: Arlene Powers Out of Province Co-ordinator Medical Programs P.E.I. Department of Health 16 Garfield Street Charlottetown C1A 7N8 (902) 368-6516 fax (902) 620-3072 She would know what you need. My doctor's name is Dr. Julie Johnston from the Summerside Medical Centre. Good luck, Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find your e-mail. My dear husband is learning how to use the computer, he deleted it. I finally found it here!
on 6/11/08 1:53 am - Kentville, Canada
Thank you so much. I'll let you know how I make out..
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