Nova Scotia support group.

on 10/24/07 7:19 am - kingston, Canada
hI Marilyn Just a note to say welcome to Shanan, it will be great to meet both of you on Friday. I will be at the MMMfin coffee shop at the Scotia Square at 4:00 on Friday and it is the 26th. I am looking forward to meeting both of you! Sheri
Sherry C.
on 10/28/07 10:31 am - Eastern Passage, Canada
Hello Marilyn, Sheri and Shanan, I am in the process of my WLS . I signed my papers with Dr B in Moncton and hope to have my surgery in the next 3 to 4 months. I was unable to attend your meeting in Moncton on the 13th of October as I had car trouble and I was away in Yarmouth this past week with my work , getting home on Friday night. I am not in the same place as you ladies but I hope to be soon. In preparation for my surgery and my change in lifestyle , I am going to join Simply for Life on November 5th. I am getting my "lasts" in before my surgery and I have set this date and I have been working myself up to this. I would like to get together with you guys if you meet sometime in the next few months. Keep me posted Sherry
on 11/7/07 6:21 pm - Canada
Hi Sherry, seems I missed answering your post and Im so sorry. Its great that your surgery is upcoming and its a decision you will not regret. Its not an easy journey but well worth the effort, says me who is struggling at the moment with emotional eating. One day at a time. I got onto the Maritimes_Bariatric_Patients site (Yahoo groups) and hoped to get and receive mutual support and encouragement. There was little activity but arranged to meet whoever in Oct at Amherst. Two from NB turned up and Cathy from Halifax. It was nice but disappointing but I believe those there were meant to be there, if you get my gist. So then I decided to try to get a support group going in the Halifax/ nova Scotia region and Ive been in contact with about 9 ladies and one married couple. Have met some of them and they have all been really nice, some with a great sense of humour, all are interested in a group. Ive been busy trying to tie things together and organize something and as most of them are on different sites Ive suggested we all go onto the Maritimes_Bariatric_Patients site. We are having a pot luck (bring your own lunch) on Sat Dec 1st at my place around noon. A restaurant was suggested but I reckon we would be restricted time wise, so my place it is. If you would like to join us we would love to meet you. Go to the Maritimes site for directions and let me know if you will be joining us. We will be here to support you over the next few months till surgery and after. Are you having gastric bypass or getting banded? Keep in touch and its so nice to hear from you. Marilyn
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