Suggestions for where to go to have surgery done???

on 7/23/07 12:59 am - Halifax, Canada
I am looking for suggestions for places within Canada to have weight loss surgery. I have been looking at McGill because it's closest to NS - has anyone had their weight loss surgery there? Also, I am most interested in Lap Band, but it requires visits to the doctor for band fills and so forth. Can my family GP do this for me? I am paying out of my own pocket as well and if anyone has had success with getting some portion paid through MSI or received medical costs back through income tax I would really like to hear about it. I am currently seeing a psychologist who is working on the reasons why I am the weight I am and my family GP would be more than willing to help in any way she can as well (although I haven't asked Also, I want to hear about life after surgery, not just the first few months, but what about 2 and 5 yrs down the road. Anyone there yet? Basically, any experiences anyone has gone through that you might think would be worthwhile mentioning would be grately appreciated!! Thanks!
Deborah M.
on 7/23/07 10:24 am - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Welcome to the journey! I'd suggest that you research-research-research, starting with reading through the messages here, and in particular on the Ontario forum, which is a VERY active forum. You won't get MSI to pay for any portion of LapBand because of its considered experimental nature, and lack of sustained supportive data for long term weight loss. You should anticipate spending $15000-$18000 for that. I know there are some medical professionals in NS who do the fills required. I'm sure other members can help you more with that. NS, unlike Ontario medical insurance (OHIP) will not pay for out of country bariatric surgery of any kind. I travelled to New York last month for a consult with a well experienced bariatric surgeon, but neither my public nor my private insurance will consider coverage. I'm in the process of appealing my private insurer's decision, and have hired a lawyer who specializes in insurance law to help. I have no faith whatever that Nova Scotia MSI will become more progressive in their administration of benefits, so I'm not planning to appeal their decision not to cover out-of-country surgery. Nova Scotia, however, WILL consider paying for the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, under very specific conditions, and ONLY with surgeons in Canada. Currently, the only place to have this done in Atlantic Canada is with Dy Beausoleil in Moncton New Brunswick. MSI will consider covering other surgeons in Canada for the RNY, but not the lap band. You mentiuoned you'd self pay, so you should have no problems at all having this done in central Canada. Please do some in depth research first though. The long term stats for sustained weight loss with the band do not compare favourably with sustained weight loss with GBS or DS. Here's an excellent post I just read on the Ontario board, whi*****ludes LOTS of informatin, as well as a list of surgeons in the Ontario area Perhaps you could start your research here, and over there. Their boards are really active, in large part because OHIP is so progressive in providing coverage for out-of-country surgery. I check in almost every day while I fight this very uphill battle. GOOD LUCK! Deborah.
on 7/25/07 3:57 am - kingston, Canada
Hi I had lap band surgery done in Ontario on July 3rd. I did have to pay for it myself, at a private clinic in Mississauga. I am VERY pleased with it so far. I have lost 41 pounds (25 before hand) and I feel great!The web site for the clinic is It was done on July 3rd and I returned home on July 5th. I only had to wait 5 weeks and the staff have been wonderful. I can get my band filled in Halifax so that is also a bonus. I really am happy with my decision and would recommend the clinic to you.I chose the lap band because of the waitng list for the gastric bypass( can be between 4-6 years) and the ease of the surgery, it is not as invasive as the gastric bypass and when I researched it it was what I felt was best for me. If you have any questions just write back to me. Sheri
on 7/26/07 11:13 pm - Halifax, Canada
Thanks for the info, Sheri. Would you mind telling me how much it cost to do? And who is doing your fills for you in Halifax? How does that cost? What was the name of the clinic? I couldn't find it on the website link you sent me. I keep flip flopping from RNY gastric Bypass to LapBand. I keep leaning towards LapBand because it's so minimally invasive, but I am afraid I won't lose enough weight. I am currently in the 300 lb range at a height of 5'5" BMI 49.5. And I can't find much info on long term range of it. Do people have them removed at some point in time? or How long do you leave it in? How often do I need adjustments made? How much does an adjustment cost? Thanks so much! Shanan..soon to be renamed Shrinking Shanan once I get this done! hahaha
on 7/27/07 8:52 am - kingston, Canada
Hi Shanan, Sorry that you couldn't get on the web site for the clinic, it is called The Surgical Weighr Loss Centre at the Plastic Surgery Clinicperhaps I gave you the wrong website, it is I had Dr. Mumford perform the surgery for me, It was day surgery and I flew home two days later. I really did not find it bad at all and that is the reason I chose this surgery as opposed to the gastric bypass, also to get the bypass you have to wait so long and they don't do it after 55 and I am 51 now so I really didn't feel I could wait the 4-5 years. I also chose this surgery because the research they sent me stated that with bypass you loose the weight quicker to start with but with the band it is slower and I just felt that was healthier, also they stated that after 4-5 years the results are basically the same. Anyway it was what I thought was best for me. It cost $i6 thousand for the surgery, that includes everything except your liquid meal replacement for the weeks before (I had 3 weeks of it,but it varies), your motel and your air flight are also not included of course. They tell me that as far as adjustments go everyone is different, I have not had one yet as I am just now beginning to eat "regular" food but I am going to have one hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I understand that they put very little or no liquid in the band when they put it in they just want you to heal first, but once you find yourself getting hungry and not being satisfied with the diet they recommmend then you need to have a "fill". They told me that the amount of times you need a fill is depending on you and you shouldn't compare yourself to others. The name I was given in Halifax was Bev Jeffries, she works with the clinic, I call and let them know when I need a fill and they contact her with all the info. I assume she will then call me, since I haven't had one yet I don't know exactly where she is and so on but I will fill you in once I have had one. I am almosr sure but not positive that the money you pay the clinic also pays for her, now again I haven't asked yet but will find out this week coming as I have to call the clinic with my medical update. I think the band is with you for life, I would think if there is a problem you would have it removed but other than that it's there. I too was around 300lbs and I am 5'5 my BMI was 49.3 (we have a lot in common), I lost abut 25 pounds before surgery, on the liquid diet and have now lost a total of 41 pounds. I have had a few problems with diet in that each time I have switched from say the liquid to the pureed, from the pureed to the soft and soft to "normal" I have not felt great, (but I was never sick to my stomach) so when I talked to the clinic nurses they recommed that I just slowly introduce new things and that seems to have really helped, I find I am now getting my appetite back that is why I think I will be getting a fill soon. All in all I would say that so far I am VERY pleased with the experience I have had I am so positive and have surrounded myself with positive people, I know this is going to work because I want it to and I really need it to. I have had a lot of medical problems all because of the weight and I am tired of it . I have been heavy all my life so this is a real lifestyle change for me. I am so pleased that we have this way of being able to talk to others who are going through the same things we are. Sorry again that you couldn't get on the website they do have a toll free phone # as well it is 1-866-803-6415, I'm sure you could get information from that, when I first started talking to them I was talking to Rose Sciotto, she was wonderful and really answered all my questions. Hope this helped you some I am more than willing to answer any questions you have, I too am quite new to it but it is great to have others to talk to. Sheri
on 7/30/07 9:27 pm - Middle Sackville, Canada
Hi, I had gastric bypass done in March 2006 (lost 135 lbs so far) in India nd had a good experience. Cost us incl. Travel and stay for 3 weeks for two CDN 15,000. (read my profile for more info). My husband had the lapband done in Montreal (Hotel Dieu, Dr. Leclerc) on May 3rd, 2007. We paid 7,500 and MSI paid about 1200 of that and the hospital cost (day surgery).We had to pay for travel. He had to wait for 1 year. I chose gastric bypass because I was a sweets addict and you can't eat many sweets after a gastric bypass, you get punished for it (dumping) and I don't like the idea of having a foreign body in me. I am on Dr. Beausoleil's waitlist (pre-approved) since 2005 and haven't heard from them since (they said wait time 3 years to get a Dr. appointment and another 2-3 years until surgery, that's why I went to India and I am glad I did). My hubbie had the lapband because it is cheaper and closer and he doesn't like sweets like I do. They told us the long-term weight loss results (5 years) are about the same. Hope that helps. Contact me for more info, if you like.
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/07 11:15 pm - Canada
Hi all, I am a newbie, so forgive me before I get started lol. I am on Dr.Beausoleil's waiting list for the lapband, I was denied by MSI so am paying for my own surgery. When I spoke to Dr. B's office I was informed in May, that I "might" have a consult before Christmas, because he is backed up, and needs to catch up with his current list. She then went on to tell me that I would have to make at least 5 visits, before the actually surgery. Which to say the least discouraged me. I then read on here about the weight loss clinic in Mississauga. I contacted the clinic, filled out the online patient info sheet and spoke to the secretary. She told me after my phone consult ($200.00) for out of province patients, that within 4 to 6 weeks I could have my surgery. Whoot Whoot. Granted it is more expensive, but in my case with all of the traveling I would have to do, it more then evens its self out. When I asked why so quickly she informed me they have 3 doctors preforming the surgeries. I found on there site, places to stay as they want you there one day before and two days after surgery. Heritage House provides pick up and drop off to surgery, follow visit to the clinic, round the clock nursing and in general a safe, nice place to heal a bit. Which makes me feel a whole lot better then sitting in a hotel by myself wondering if all went well, and what to do if something goes wrong. Also there are many seat sales on West Jet this time of year, for me a seat from Hali to Toronto is about 125.00, I would spend more then that in a one way visit to NB. I don't know if this is the solution for me, but I will be having the consult, I'll keep you up to date on how things progress. If you want to contact the office, call their toll free number 1-866-803-6415 and press 0 to get past all of the recordings then ask for the weightloss clinic. Hope this is helpful to someone out there.
on 8/2/07 11:39 am - Halifax, Canada
Thanks, Tammy - I am checking out clinics myself. You must be having lap band done are you? I am still not sure which to have - gastric bypass or lap band. I am hoping once I speak to a doctor that they will help me figure that out. The clinic I am looking into is in Montreal - the McGill clinic. They are out on vacation until August 15th. They also do the three most popular types of surgeries there. I think if they do all three, they would be better judge of what's best for me. I want to contact the Ontario clinics, but I couldn't find a private clinic that does anything but gastric banding. If you have names of clinics, send them along! Anyhoo, just got back from the cottage and I am pooped! Ciao! Shanan
Deborah M.
on 8/3/07 4:49 am - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Dr David Starr in Toronto performs banding and gastric bypass. Their clinic can be reached at 416-749-2332. His centre has recently received significant funding through OHIP, has been declared the national "Centre of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery," AND...MSI will cover portions of bypass there. (They won't cover banding though) Also, the wait list for bypass has been reduced to ONE YEAR because of the increased funding, very good news! I have a feeling they'll get really busy really quickly, once this news gets around to so many people waiting, so I contacted them as soon as I heard. I have a series of assessment appointments beginning Sept 21st. Hope this helps. Good luck. Deborah.
(deactivated member)
on 8/2/07 11:29 pm - Canada
So, I've been contacted and my phone consult is TODAY! Seems too good to be true, so lets hope for the best. My doctor will be Dr. Coburn. I'll update after todays conversation. As for the McGill clinic, I had been in contact with them a few times, something about them made me really uneasy, too many emails, almost like they need patients. They are more expensive, although I am pretty sure they offer laproscopic (SP) bypass, which would be great when it comes to the healing time and scaring. Well I am off to run errands, have a great day, and I'll update later.
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