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Whoo hoo, three days under your belt...I'll say a prayer that you make it through another one, and then another one and then...enough til you get skinny!
Girl, with your iron levels, I don't blame you for not wanting to move much! My friend I was telling you about has had trouble with her iron levels ever since she had the surgery years ago and just recently had to have another iron infusion, so I know how dragged out that makes you feel. Ask me the question about my workouts later, once you are feeling better because I have a funny feeling that just reading about them will tire you out even more. Besides, I don't want to overwhelm you, getting your diet straight is the most important thing right now, we'll discuss torturing you at a later date!
Glad to see you are sticking around this joint,
I think it would be lovely to prolong your life, too, so it's good to know you are going to start taking care of yasself and eat healthy. See ya around,
I've lost 131 pounds and I know what it feels like to feel like you have no will power or self discipline. Seems like without that there is no hope of any permanent weight loss. But let me let you in on a little secret, WLS does not teach you self control or will power, that's something you will have to learn on your journey whether you have surgery or not. It may teach you self disclipline, but only because if you eat something you are not supposed to, then you dump, feel miserable, and you learn not to eat that again. I have made friends with people who are four and five years out from surgery who have the same issues with regain that I do and they are dealing with the same issues that you are now. Surgery doesn't teach you anything, it just allows you to eat less...for a while. It also doesn't promise that you will lose all of your weight, just two thirds of it. Once the honeymoon is over, you're on your own, same as you are now.
If I had any tool for you at all is to go through sugar and starch detox, once you're done, it helps you not have cravings. It's not a pretty process and you may feel like crap, but all of the sugar and starch and processed foods you are eating are making you crave more sugar and starch and processed foods the same way that a crack head has to have his dope. While you are going through it, just keep reminding yourself of the years of abuse you have put your body through and the healing process is going to take some time. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, and your body will follow suit.
I find that the best tool is to love yourself enough to take care of the only body you get in this life, it has a long way to go to take care of you.
Best wishes,

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach