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on 4/30/10 1:51 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm quietly celebrating that I finally achieved LifeTime membership at WW. The first time I joined was around 1972 or 1973 when my parents forced me to do so. Since then I must have joined at least 15- 20 times. All though I did not to meetings during the time I lost most of my weight I did follow the principles (I tracked every day, measured, exercised, etc). I officially re-joined last year when I wanted to lose an extra 10 lbs or so and mainly wanted to learn how to do maintenance successfully (since I've never done that for very long in the past).
Anyhow, it's one of those things that I just wanted to accomplish......I can cross off my bucket list now. :-)
Now I'm going to call my parents and tell them I finally made it to WW LifeTime.

How about you, what are you celebrating and proud of?
on 4/30/10 1:48 am
Examine your friendships.
Friendships endure when mutual respect and support for each other is the foundation. A healthy friendship tends to stick even as people change. Other friendships cannot survive when people make major life changes. If the relationship was based on shared, self-destructive behavior, like overeating, when the behavior isn't shared anymore, the relationship loses its foundation and crumbles.
It may be time to let go of an unhealthy friendship. In some instances, it will be painful to lose the relationship. You may feel lonely for a time. In other instances you may just move on, remembering your old friend fondly. You will find new friends; such is the path of life. Have no regrets for moving on to new, healthier relationships.
Action for the day: Today, evaluate your friendships. Are you holding on to people who aren't right for you anymore? Have courage, and if you need to--let go.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at
on 4/29/10 12:53 pm

Gloop, I'm so glad your feeling better and feel your depression lifting. depression is - well it's depressing and makes it hard to do everything, especially making healthy choices.
Sherrie - keep up the good work.
I did my 5 mile walk today. LOL - I'm a regular mall rat - or more accurately a mallwalker.
on 4/29/10 12:35 pm

I went through a phase where I avoided restaurants too - I didn't want to fall off the wagon and I didn't know what to do to get healthy food there. It just seemed too intimidating. I also turned off the TV so I didn't see all those food ads, some of which are very EVIL. And yes, I avoided looking at restaurant signs. I did find it helped as I got over all those cravings. DH was still eating out a lot when he travelled for work and he eating the Standard American Diet and he wanted to be %100 compliant on the diet since he could see and feel the difference when he was home. That's when I realized we needed strategies and plans on how to eat out. When you're ready, you will do the same thing.
There are some places that have no choices for me at all - and LOL one of them is Krispy Kreme. Zippo. I don't even consider that food anymore - to be more accurate, I know lots of people eat and enjoy donuts but they make me sick so I now see the signs but don't associate them with enjoyment or treats or anything - it's just like passing a gas station. It was a process to get to that place.
You'll have to ignore me....I don't have ANYTHING good to say about LapBands except KUDOS to those who have it and have lost & kept off weight. I'm genuinely happy for you...
...and in the same breath, I'm elated for A (Inspire) for getting hers removed next month. She and I were not right for the band, and it's such a great feeling to have it out. Unfortunately for me, I will be reminded of the choice I made (to have the band installed) for the rest of my days.....I have 4 small scars and one large scar on my abdomen.

OK! To answer your question, A, I'm so happy to be over half-way to my goal weight on the VLCD. The company that makes my meal replacements is called New Direction. The program (my hospital has been offering it for over 20 years) offers *individualized* medical care, nutritional plans, and behavior monitoring. For instance, just today was clinician week. I weighed in, had my blood pressure taken, had my labs drawn, and THEN met one-on-one with the dietician, then face-to-face with the counselor, and finally alone with the medical director (a doctor, whom I LOVE and ADMIRE!) Anyway, the program works in 3 stages:
Stage One is all beverage (4 a day, plus half my weight in ounces of water)
Stage Two: Some beverage and transition to food
Stage Three: Practicing lifestyle habits with an individualized eating and exercise plan
I am in stage one, and when it isn't clinician week, like it was today, I am weighing in, getting my blood pressure checked and attending a 45 minute class with about a dozen other patients led by the counselor or dietician. It is so educational, much like a Weigh****cher's class, but a bit different.
Some patients lose most of their weight during stage one, and the last of their weight in stage two. I am going to lose all of my weight on stage one. I have been in this program for 19 weeks, and I plan to remain in stage one until August.
I have not been exercising, it's not recommended since our caloric intake is so low, but my dietician and I decided today to begin exercising for 20 minutes 3 times/week to help me get in the lifetime habit. When I'm in stage 3, I will exercise 3 hours per week for the rest of my life! I am totally committed to this! Before this program, I *knew* I was supposed to exercise and eat right, but would never follow through for long-term lifestyle habits.
Sorry for the novel....can you tell I'm very excited about this, and glad to share. I strongly recommend this program to anyone, but understand it may not be offered in your city.

How's the VLCD going? Can I ask what kinf of VLCD it is? I'm happy you're feelign good about yourself. When I lost some weight last year, I was feeling similiarly. Pretty much on top of the world, because for the first time in years *I* was in control. It's a feeling like no other.
PS - I also self paid for the first band. My BMI was ~36 (same as now) and no insurance company would touch me because I had no co-morbidities. PCOS isn't considered a co-morbidity. Fast forward 7-8 years and a band revision in I've got the co-morbidities and the insurance company will pay for RNY. But one of the co-morbidities I have is diabetes....and one of the complications I have from my diabetes is atrophic gastritis. Atrophic gastritis causes malabsorption of B vitamins and it also is responsible for some serious anemia (for which I'm currently having IV iron infusions). So riddle me this: with malabsorption issues already.....why would I deliberately give myself *worse* issues? At this point, I'm not willing to do that. :) So....I'm looking forward to having the Band OUT (May 14) and getting on with a healthier life. Just like you. :)
on 4/29/10 5:42 am - Rochester, NY
It's always amazing to me how differently I feel when making positive choices in my life. Today is only day #4 of being on WW, but my energy level is already up and I just feel so much better. I know the scale probably doesn't show that much difference from Monday, but my whole attitude has changed and I'm so much more at peace with my's like the difference between a good and bad hair day! LOL Just proves that when I'm making healthy and positive choices, it influences every aspect of my life. So why do I have such a hard time maintaining those healthy choices?