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Mwah, Mary
How many times have you heard of the ladies after a TOPS or WW weigh in going out for an ice cream sundae to celebrate their weight loss? You've never actually heard of this concept?
Cmon, Mary....don't tell me you've never experienced that way of thinking in your battle of weight loss? I think it's much more unusual to have never thought that way then to have experienced it and realized it's a self sabotager!!
Wow, now ain't I glad I asked the question...very inciteful conversation ladies! Sherrie believe it or not, this particular sabotager was a thought process that never occurred to me. Not that I didn't have my own personal set of self sabotagers, I just didn't have this particular one! ;-)
Now it seems odd to me that I didn't because both of my parents rewarded their children with goodies...a lot. Cooking "special" was my mother's way of showing she loved us, but then again she was also feeding her own addiction so these meals were a way of hiding what she was going through. My dad was in the Army and gone most of the time so when he was home it was "Candy Time"!!!
I guess I never thought in terms of cheating, I was an emotional eater out of control so I was more in tune with what was triggering my emotional eating. Come to find out, it was hormones that were my emotions worst enemy, once they were fixed, I 'mostly' got fixed. Mostly being the operative word...this is a lifelong journey, afterall!
on 5/2/10 4:22 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Thanks for sharing with us!!!!
on 5/2/10 4:20 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Here's my 2 cents.
First I would encourage Skylar and Gloop to reframe the word "Cheat". If you as grown adults with the ability to make decisions decide to have a Snickers Bar as your mid-day snack instead of your normal BP on celery (or something like that) then you are not "CHEATING" you made a decision that's all. If you truly feel you are cheating then I'd say you are feeling some level of quilt....maybe you feel you cheated yourself...??
My thing is all about making choices. Of course when I was losing there were a few occasions that I ate something that was not the best choice I could have made but I quickly made up for it so the "net/net" of the equation was not too bad. But I stood by my decision whatever it was.
I think this is one of the big things that helped me overcome my food issues and helped me to change my relationship with food. Food is not the enemy.
The other point I want to make is by saying "because you were GOOD, you can cheat" again implies you are getting ready to do something bad.
I think re-framing thoughts removing all the negatives around/about food will help you in the long run.
When you feel good about losing weight and want to celebrate that you've stuck to your plan for X amount of weeks I say go for it....but maybe call it a TREAT instead of a cheat. As long as you limit it and don't go overboard it seems "legal" to
Hey I've never hidden the fact that as I was on my weight loss journey (and I have shed 194.6 lbs as of yesterday) I had 1 free day every week during that journey. PLEASE note that I did not go out and eat 2 Big Mac's or bag of Oreo's on that day, I still stuck to my basic plan but I added in some extra treats that i don't normally eat during the maybe I'd eat the small bag of baked lays chips, or have a small slice of my favorite pie (pecan pie), or 2 Oreo's.
I don't want to sound "preachy" and I hope I didn't come across sounding nasty......
Well that's my 2cents.....
on 5/2/10 3:41 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Even though you are going to stay off the scale I hope you'll still come here and share with us.
It could be that you are losing more inches than you take your measurements at least once a month. I used to do it the first Saturday of each month. I actually should do it now since I have not done it in a while.....
Stress hinders weight loss for sure so you are probably doing the right thing to reduce the stress you feel.
Hope you'll stick around here.
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

Monday morning was a little chilly but I managed 18 miles before work, this evening ride was a breeze and I finished on 26.7 Miles, Day 1, Matathon 1 done, Later that evening I poped out to pick up my Surosa and rode it home approx 2 miles, so by the end I had almost done 30 miles in one day !!
Left a little later than normal, wanted to put the Surosa though its paces but as I wasnt too sure how good it was didnt want to pu**** only for something to happen miles away from where I needed to be, needless to say the Surosa was AMAZING and I ended the day on 24 Miles.
I went looking for a new, longer route to work that took on semi decent roads, apptempt 1 went pretty well and although I didnt get any extra miles in I did learn quite a lot, finishing on just under 25 miles it was another good day.
Had a meeting before work meaning I left late, put in 10 miles before work and finished on a disappointing 18 miles but my legs and the latic acid they were swimming in thanked me.
Thursday evening I had an appt at my GP’s while I was waiting for the Doc, another Doc who I have seen a few times while on my weight loss journey came out of his room and to say he was stunned would be an understatment, we chatted about how I have done, how far I ride and then he asked me what bike he should get to lose a few excess lbs, a Doctor asking ME for advice ??? That gave me a rarther large smile
The work day that never was, due to an air of confusion I eneded up cycling 27 miles non stop, my average speed was a little under 15mph, the traffic and weather was a nightmare so was bloody chuffed by the end of it, even if my feet were freezing
Miles 120.21 mi
Ave Speed 14.2 mph
Ave Cadence xx rpm **
Calories 8,869 C ***
Max Speed 34.3 mph
Max Average Heart Rate 155 bpm
** Cadence sensor broke, thats 2 now that died with nothing but normal riding, GARMIN GSC 10 = JUNK !
*** I have programmed a new calculation into my Edge and it seems MUCH better for calories now.
After Fridays ride I weighed myself, I am now at the weight I PREYED that I could get to when I was being approved for the operation I never had…….
Finally, below please review April’s stats:
Miles 497.21 mi
Ave Speed 13.9 mph
Ave Cadence xx rpm
Calories 46,731 C ***
Max Speed 37.7 mph
Max Average Heart Rate 155 bpm
Average Miles Per Day: 22 Miles
Think it’s fair to say April was a GOOD month !!!!!
on 5/1/10 11:00 pm - Rochester, NY
I think that statement is a real eye-opener! I think so many of us do use food as "instant gratification/pleasure" with the emphasis on "instant". For that split second that we put whatever in our mouth, it satisfies some deep need or emotional response and then 30 seconds later we're regretting our actions and the guilt and shame sets in. So much happens in that 1 minute period....I swear you could probably do a whole doctorate dissertation on that one minute in time and all that it encompasses!!