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on 5/2/10 4:45 pm
Topic: RE: Ok.....who'se brave enough to answer?!

Oh Oh...I can do this

1.  Having to squeeze my stomach in so tight to fit into the seat belt on an airplane.  I refused to ask for the extender (embarrassed), so I tugged and pulled and squeezed for probably a whole five minutes.  I REFUSE to get on a plane now until I lose some weight (and this was thirty pounds ago!).

2.  Going into a womans clothing store and not being able to fit into their biggest pants that they have.  Sort of embarrassing when family is with you.

 3.  Not being able to sit (or afraid to even try) in a booth at a restaurant..OR your butt too big for a chair in a restaurant!  I've been hitting this problem once in a while now. :(

on 5/2/10 3:38 pm - New Bedford, MA
Topic: Ok.....who'se brave enough to answer?!
At your heaviest weight, what was your most embarassing moment(s)?

Yeah, I know. It's only fair that I answer this too!

As if being over 420lbs wasn't embarrasing enough, I can remember at least 3 incodents.

I went to Six Flags with a few family members, and I couldn't fit on the rides. After waiting in the long lines, I squeezed myslef into one of the seats, the safety bar would not latch over my big belly. I had to get off the ride and leave infront of everyone, with lots of people witnessing the whole event! And this happened not once, but twice! I was stupid enough to try to squeeze into another ride, only to have the same thing happen! For the rest of the day, I could only watch my family have fun while me and my fiancee (who is scared of the rides) walked around, feeling hurt and humiliated! (I was so glad to have him there with me, at least!)

The second time was everytime I went to the doctor's office. I was too heavy to be weighed on their scales, even though it went up to at least 350lbs. The nurses would have to go into a storage closet, and litteraly drag out an enormous scale ment to weigh people who were in wheelchairs! And the only space they had available was in a hallway, where anybody walking by could witness the whole thing!

And third, fiancee and I were gathering our laundry together to go to the laundromat. We like to keep our clothes separate sometimes. Going through his clothes, he picks up a large pink garment and says, "Why is your shirt in with my laundry?" and tosses it with my pile. Knowing my clothes, I knew it wasn't a shirt he picked up and tossed, it was my underwear!!!!! Was I really so big that he thought my underwear was a shirt???!!!!!

That was years ago. Praise the Lord that I have lost over 120lbs, (however it was unfortunately due to being sick) and just recently had a panniculectomy to remove my large hanging belly. I like the way my new body looks and am still hoping to lose more weight from smart food choices and walking.

I was just traveling down memory lane, and felt like sharing those experiences with you. Anyone else had any embarrasing experiences?

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 5/2/10 1:58 pm
Topic: RE: Gloop and Skylar Blew My Mind!

I think every body is different.  Whether they call it "cheat" or whatever, it's all the same in the long run.  I myself use to call it a cheat.  I (and a lot of others I have known) don't think of it as being bad, but as a way to NOT sabotage yourself. Just like some people don't believe in any extra bad foods at all.  Others that think they need it, if they can control their intake, might make a "cheat day or cheat meal" just to satisfy themselves. It will give them enough "umph" to make it another two weeks or whenever.

I think nothing of it when some one says they have a "cheat day".  If it works for be it!  They might have it in their mind that it helps their sanity more than anything.  Plus their cheat day or item might end up being a 200-300 calorie item which isn't too awfully bad, considering other things they could have eaten.  

What works for the goose , might not work for the gander! : ) me it's only a word. The amount of intake on the other hand is totally different!  There is cheating a little bit, and there is pigging out all day long.

on 5/2/10 10:42 am
Topic: RE: Goals for May and week of May 3rd
My goal is to lose at least 3 pounds this week and to keep up the motivation to workout each day. I lost 5 pounds since 4/19 when I had my physical and was *****ed at by the doc about my weight. and want to really step it up.
Molly S.
on 5/2/10 10:28 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Which one are you?
I am a work in progress.  I am learning to grow.  Right now I am struggling with goals to grow.  I just thought this was so deep and moved me to think about myself and my struggles with obesity.  It is time for me to be a grower.  To leave the struggle stage.  I am not sure if I will ever not struggle with this problem, but I still want to grow even more where I can find so lice with myself and my struggles if this makes any sense. I just wanted to share this with my OH family.
Molly S.
on 5/2/10 10:17 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: Which one are you?

When you feel yourself struggling with something, then the time has come to grow beyond it. Effort and persistence can bring much value to any endeavor. Yet trying too hard, to the point where the effort becomes a constant struggle, brings nothing positive.  

Struggle means it is time to grow, to go far beyond your previous limitations, to set new and expanded expectations for yourself. When you feel that something has become a struggle, see it as an opportunity. See it as a pointer showing you the direction in which to grow, and use it as a powerful motivation to do so.

Fighting the same fight over and over will just make you skilled at fighting. At some point it becomes time to develop some new skills, and to take your efforts to a whole new level.

What is it that you're struggling with? Instead of looking for ways to maintain your end of the struggle, consider how you could get to the point where you are beyond the need to struggle. Look for how you can stop struggling and start growing.
" One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering." Ida Scott Taylor

       HW 611  Pre-opW 580   LW 302  GW 238         

Molly S.
on 5/2/10 8:58 am - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Goals for May and week of May 3rd
I totally agree Sherrie. I need a person to person weigh in.  My weekend eating can blow my whole week.  When I did WW I went on Mondays.  It concerns me that the only TOPS meeting I found was on a Thursday.  Times were too early for those who work.  they have already told me I will need a replacement at some point. I am not old enough so they want to wait.  One knee is gone already.
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/10 8:50 am - Rochester, NY
Topic: RE: Goals for May and week of May 3rd
Molly....I think the important thing is to be accountable on the scale to someone face to face like you said.  At least that's what works best for me.  I can too easily let myself go astray if not for that fact.  Have had a very emotional/stressful weekend and hate to think what food choices I might have made if I didn't know I had to get on that scale at WW tomorrow morning at 9AM.

Water aerobics is the only thing I can do exercise wise....need a total knee replacement.
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/10 8:07 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Topic: RE: What are you celebrating and proud of? Weekend Edition
That is a very impressive number of inches shed.  WOW! 

I chart all my stuff too...I'm kind of nut about that sort of stuff...I build charts and graphs...LOL!

Glad you'll be sticking around.....I'd miss you if you left.
on 5/2/10 7:58 am - san bernardino, CA
Topic: RE: What are you celebrating and proud of? Weekend Edition
 yes Ruth I do take measurements I have not taken them for about a month now but last I checked I had lost 100.25"  total off my entire body, that is from my neck down to my calves, I have a chart that tells where to measure, so yes I have lost more inches that pounds. Im ready to stop stressing! but I will still come around and post, I love you all too much to leave! 

Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach

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