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on 5/3/10 4:46 am - Rochester, NY
I did eat all my points this week and ate healthy....whole grain, lean protein, fruits and veggies. I even allowed myself a Skinny Cow each night as a treat (2 pts.). I am very fluid retentive and think I was just all carbed up from two weeks of vacation and eating out every night and just had one gigantic WHOOSH! Next week will be much more indicative of a true weight loss and on a much smaller scale.
Anyway....went out to lunch afterwards and had a nice salad with grilled chicken and LF balsamic vinegarette dressing!! Gonna take it easy the rest of the day. Thanks for all the well wishes!
on 5/3/10 4:39 am - Rochester, NY
Michelle Hendrickson Holistic Health Coach
Understand worry is a waste of time.
Have you ever avoided doing something, because you were worried about what might happen if you did it? Living according to your worries can create problems, because worries deal with what might happen, not what will happen.
If your worries paralyze you, remember that nothing bad or good will happen without action. You'll never know what might be unless you take some risk. It's true, consequences will occur as a result of your actions, but that's not always a bad thing. Worries only serve to hold you back from reaching your potential. Casting them aside, you'll find the reality is usually much more tolerable than the imagined.
Action for the day: Are worries holding you back and controlling your life? In your journal, make a list of your main worries and explore how you can move past them.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved.
Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery.
LOL!!! You are fast girl!! You were like me, was feeling good and forgot about because I see you have been listed here. Good goals!! Your family needs to eat healthy also and 15 min a day is a good start also!!
This is great!!

I also want to exercise at least 15 minutes daily. And if able, up to 30 minutes.
But most of all, I want to work on my head. If I could fix my emotional crap, I would be much better off.
Keep posting ladies!

on 5/3/10 12:13 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

I'm sure you already know this but just remember that with a big loss this week it may drop next weekend but it will all avg out.. So close to goal #1....something to celebrate!!!!!
Kudos to you!