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on 5/3/10 10:58 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: My loss for the week
Hooray Christa!!!  Six pounds is a LOT!  I bet you will lose the next 8 in two or three weeks tops   Atta Girl!
on 5/3/10 10:32 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: RE: sitting on the fence
Hugs Jody!

I cannot add anything that these two lovely ladies have said.  But having been through WLS (LapBand) and thanking the Dear Lord Above it was reversible (I had it removed after 2 years), I never want you to go through the regret I did, especially if it's surgical rerouting. 

I wasn't ready *in my head* for WLS, and like you, now it's CLICKING and I'm losing weight.  I also have 2 small children, but I stay at home, so I have the luxury of exercising and, for the first time in centuries, I WANT TO!!!!  It's for life.  I *have* to exercise 3 hours a week for the rest of my days.  And I'm happy about it. 

If you have 150+ pounds to lose, it's hard....because we want to lose it NOW!  But that's not going to happen.  You and I know that losing the weight takes so much more work and dedication than gaining it!

Sit down....make goals.  I honestly think you can lose all the weight you need to, in 2 years, without surgery, if you put your heart and MIND to it!

We all understand if you want to have WLS and support you, just please be 110% sure that it's what you want.

God Bless You on your Journey!
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/10 10:21 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Topic: RE: sitting on the fence
I have to run to an appointment but wanted to quickly throw in my 2 cents........

Even with WLS you have to make the same lifestyle changes or the weight loss will be temporary.  I am not anti WLS, I think it's a great option and encourage my niece to do it, HOWEVER it is not the solution on it's own.  You have to do all the same work with your head and emotions that I had to do to lose my weight.  You just cannot continue to eat all the same foods for the same reasons and expect to keep it off for the rest of your life.

Sooooo my advice....if you are having second thoughts, postpone surgery for 3 months....make a serious commitment to lose weight and get healthy.  Once they cut you open and re-route your plumbing you cannot say I changed my's need to be 100% sure you want this and are ready for it.  Take a little time to really think about it if you are not sure.

Would love to chat more about it but gotta run....will check back later
Best wishes on your journey!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/10 10:05 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Topic: What are you celebrating and proud of? Tues
Good Morning!

I'm so proud I could has nothing to do with food directly....put indirectly all of our fears and stresses impact our eating. For years I've read that facing our fears is the key to feeling fear and unlocking the limitations in or on our lives.  I've faced a lot of my own fears over the past few years but the fear of flying has remained the one thing that has kept me trapped.

As I've shared before my fear of flying has kept me grounded for the better part of 10 years....(taken 1 flight in that time).  I drive or take the train across the county to avoid flying.  I've been trying to face my fear so I can comfortably get on a plane and fly home to see my family and friends (have not seen them in 18 months).  I've been watching videos on how to get over the fear and reading lots of information.   I decided I needed to do something radical....

Call me Peter Pan......I was Flying..........

Yesterday I took an introductory flying class and I actually was in the "drivers seat"!

I faced it head on.

Holy Cow what an experience. 

I actually "drove" the plane down the runway and then gave it full throttle, pulled the hand wheel thingy and we took was the most amazing feeling having my hands on the controls and pulling the plane up. Amazing, Exhilarating! Then I told the pilot to take control and he flew it. The hardest part, which I never knew, is you steer the plane with foot pedals...not the "steering wheel thingy".  It was hard to get the hang of doing that.    From the time we started to taxi till we landed was 30 mins.....At about 5 or 10 mins in the air I though about saying Ok I had enough but I didn't.  There were some bumps and the pilot could tell I was not comfortable so he took us higher....all in all I have to say it was pretty fun.  I asked a lot of questions...... and learned a lot..... like the best time to fly is the morning by 9am and after 4 or 5pm because there is not as much air rises and causes the bumping.....I was up there at almost the worst time.  Little planes feel the bumps more than the bigger planes (good to know)   I am SO PROUD of myself for doing this.  At time during the flight I even enjoyed it. Matthew could not believe I did.
  Matthew got sick to his stomach in the back of the plane.  He LOVES flying....the turbulence doesn't bother him at all....but the small plane made him feel sick.  The pilot said it's a lot worse for the passengers in the back because they can't see as well as us in the front. 

I'd like to try it one more time but Matthew's not so keen on the Now the big decision...will I fly for 3 hours to NY........I can't believe I'm saying this but probably........   Truly amazing!  My BFF cannot believe I had the courage to do this.
I'm still flying high just on the feeling of facing my fear....

Here are the pictures Matthew took (there a bunch when we flew over my house)... COn7w6rcw4jWHA&feat=directlink
Thanks again for all the support and encouragement.  I'll let you know if I do book tickets to fly home.

So what are you celebrating and proud of today??
on 5/3/10 9:04 pm
Topic: RE: sitting on the fence
On May 4, 2010 at 3:13 AM Pacific Time, Jody08 wrote:
 I need to confess something. I have finally decided to have WLS and now I am wavering thinking No, you can do it yourself..then I say OMG but u r so big, if u could have done it by yourself you would have done it by now
my life is hectic, single Mom two young kids, work fulltime could I manage th surgery and recovery? what about the risks and my kids are so young?
so I have been changing the way I am eating and for the first time in my life, something has 'clicked' in my head..i may have some head hunger'craving' like french firies, I will eat one or two and then throw it is weird it doesn't taste the same to me anymore
I am eating high protein, low carb, low sugar and low fat- lost 10 lbs already but I need to lose a whole person, the amount just seems overwhelming
I am also having trouble finding exercise time, kids are up before 6am, if i get up earlier and make any noise they wake up..evenings are busy with soccer etc..
I have been using my lunch hours at work for exercise and 2 nights a week I do aquafit, it is not enuf for my body is very tough and likes to hold onto the weight..I used to workout 1-2 hours a day with a trainer in a gym and after 7 months of this I only lost 15 it is very very frustrating
So, I am going thru the process of WLS here in Ontario and it canbe long and they do oodles of tests, which is great, less post op will keep dieting and exercising and see how it goes until surgery time and hopefully will have made up my mind by then

my biggest hurdle with the WLS is that I cannot wrap my head around making such a drastic physiological change to my organs..i am such freak bout things

so I welcome all advice and criticism to help get off this darn fence
Hi Jody,
Something that Skylar said really hit home with me, "there's nothing wrong with my digestive system".  Why mess with an organ that's working just fine?  WLS is a good tool to get you started but in the end we still have to fix the problems that made us obese in the first place i.e. getting our emotions and any psychological problems straightened out, learning new healthy habits etc.  WLS helps you lose the weight fast which is good but there's the risk of so many complications plus the hair loss.  Non surgery weight loss is slower and that can be frustrating so sticking to your plan really depends on how motivated you are over time.  I think if you can lose weight without surgery there's the added bonus that you will most likely be learning to change your lifestyle and eating habits which means you will probably be able to maintain your weight loss.  Change is not easy but with our without surgery change would be necessary for long term success.  Good luck with whatever you decide.
I'm in the process of changing my diet, relationship with food and my lifestyle.  I'm in training for maintaining.
on 5/3/10 8:13 pm - essex, Canada
Topic: sitting on the fence
 I need to confess something. I have finally decided to have WLS and now I am wavering thinking No, you can do it yourself..then I say OMG but u r so big, if u could have done it by yourself you would have done it by now
my life is hectic, single Mom two young kids, work fulltime could I manage th surgery and recovery? what about the risks and my kids are so young?
so I have been changing the way I am eating and for the first time in my life, something has 'clicked' in my head..i may have some head hunger'craving' like french firies, I will eat one or two and then throw it is weird it doesn't taste the same to me anymore
I am eating high protein, low carb, low sugar and low fat- lost 10 lbs already but I need to lose a whole person, the amount just seems overwhelming
I am also having trouble finding exercise time, kids are up before 6am, if i get up earlier and make any noise they wake up..evenings are busy with soccer etc..
I have been using my lunch hours at work for exercise and 2 nights a week I do aquafit, it is not enuf for my body is very tough and likes to hold onto the weight..I used to workout 1-2 hours a day with a trainer in a gym and after 7 months of this I only lost 15 it is very very frustrating
So, I am going thru the process of WLS here in Ontario and it canbe long and they do oodles of tests, which is great, less post op will keep dieting and exercising and see how it goes until surgery time and hopefully will have made up my mind by then

my biggest hurdle with the WLS is that I cannot wrap my head around making such a drastic physiological change to my organs..i am such freak bout things

so I welcome all advice and criticism to help get off this darn fence
started this process back in 2007/2008 denied MGB, denied for Barix, put on hold (BMI was too high for pilot phase)at St.joe's and since moved to Windsor and had to start again, December, 2009 referral sent from GP...April 5 and 8, 2010 1st appt at Windsor clinic with nurse and doc
April 16, 2010 sleep clinic, April 27 echo
May 3,2010 Orientation at Met hospital--,
SURGERY booked Oct.20.2010

on 5/3/10 2:00 pm, edited 5/3/10 2:00 pm - Austin, TX
RNY on 12/02/10 with
Topic: RE: Ok.....who'se brave enough to answer?!
Just recently I was at sea world with my family, and I dont even attmept to get on the ride mainly because im very scared of roller coasters but also because I know i wont fit in them, so I just stood around while everyone else went on the rides.

After one of the Shamu shows we were had watched ended some teen boys walked by us and pointed at me and said "hey theres a baby whale" not only did my family hear him but he said it so loud that everyone around heard and everyone looked at me.

That was really the most embarssing. I was staying in a shelter one time with my husband and our son, and we had to sleep on Army cots and they were made from wood. While I was sitting on it I had just changed my sons diaper and picked him up he was 2 months old, the cot broke right in half, in front of everyone in the place. that was really embaressing too.
HW389 SW367 CW273 GW180 
1lb lost is 1 step closer to your g
oal !!
Molly S.
on 5/3/10 12:18 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: RE: Goals for May and week of May 3rd
You are doing great!  Unfortunately the smaller you get the harder it is to take off the pounds.  Patience will be needed but I know you will do it! 

Thanks for tip on WW and TOPS.  I figured as much since I definitely know that is the key for WW since I have did that so many times.  That is the reason I am doing TOPS--cheaper.  I plan to visit 3 TOPS meetings before I decide on one.  By next Thursday I will decide where I fit best.  If I do not get a good vibe at any of these I will keep looking.  The good thing about living around Chicago is the selections are huge. 

Thanks for checking and have a good week and appreciate each pound you lose.  Losing is better than gains.  You are truly inspirational for me!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/10 10:44 am
Topic: RE: My loss for the week
Fabulous - that's a lot of weight in a week. Doesn't it feel good? 
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/10 10:41 am
Topic: RE: Good news and Bad news.....
OMG - well first what a fabulous start at WW and you're sticking to the program which is great.

And then YIKES - you poor thing, all that stress and then your heart. You've had a rough few days.

I'm so glad that both your Mom and brother are getting getting out of the hospital. and you posted later that your heart converted back to normal sinus rhythm - that's a scary feeling in your chest. Take good care of yourself.
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