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(deactivated member)
on 5/4/10 6:56 am
Topic: RE: Nausea after working out?
Mary, OMG - no wonder you love to watch The Biggest Losers LOL

Tami do you have a water bottle with you? I drink water as I exercise, whenever I feel thirsty I drink.

I read Michael's info about drinking water to avoid nausea:
 "To keep from becoming dehydrated, you should try to drink a minimum of two cups of water roughly two hours before you start your exercise routine. 20 minutes before you begin your routine, you should drink 2 more cups of water. While you are exercising, you should also keep a water bottle nearby. During exercise, you should drink around half a cup of water for every ten to fifteen minutes of your exercise routine. If you follow these guidelines, you should be able to avoid becoming dehydrated, and to avoid the nausea that comes with dehydration."
OMG - I would be running to the toilet the whole time I should be on the treadmill!

I have felt nausea actually when I've drank too much water and I could feel it slooshing around in my stomach - I think you have to find the happy medium of just enough water.

I have noticed it when I've really pushed myself extremely hard - I don't have that problem very often.
on 5/4/10 6:47 am
Topic: RE: What are you celebrating and proud of? Tues
That's amazing!  Good job taking that plunge!

I *love* flying.  :)  I have logged solo hours in a Piper Warrior, and spent some time in Cessnas as well.  It's a completely different feeling in a small plane than it is in a large one - you won't even know you're in the air in a large plane!

Good for you, what a big accomplishment!
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/10 6:42 am
Topic: RE: Nutrisystem Question
Mary, what an inspiring response.

Ashley - isn't that food self stable and dry where you have to add water to reconstitute? I would think it would be hard to eat after WLS?(I could be wrong, I've never had Nutrisystem but my cousin did years ago). I understand that what you really are looking for is something that takes you away from making decisions. I know I felt like this when I did medically supervised medifast shakes years ago - but I found the problem was I didn't really learn how to change my eating patterns to maintain the success so the weight came back on - this is yoyo dieting which we need to avoid.

I follow Dr. McDougall's Maximum Weight loss diet which I realize you probably aren't interested in, but on his website they also have something called Mary's mini (MM) diet based on something his wife did years ago to lose weight and when they analyzed it nutritionally it was extremely healthy just limited food choices. MM is chosing a complex carbohydrate and a vegetable(s) and a fruit and eating the same thing for each meal - in fact you can eat the same foods all week long. One of the reasons this works so well is, well it's boring - so you can apply this to your food. Chose a meal that is healthy and keep eating the same thing with little or no variety.
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/10 6:23 am
Topic: RE: What are you celebrating and proud of? Tues
OMG, OMG, OMG    I can't believe it. That is amazing and those pictures prove the point. Wholey Moley - if you can fly on one of those misquitos then why not fly in one of those big sardine cans - and the plus is having shed all that weight you will find the seat size comfortable. I'm in awe of you  Poor Matthew sitting in the back - I've flown in small planes and it is worse than a larger plane or even a small jet.  Well this was a wonderful surprise Ruth, a major proud.

JennahBLYDNCR  - good for you for getting your exercise. I think most of us go through this process too.

Mary  LOL - you almost didn't get married???? Isn't it amazing how something so stupid from so long ago can affect us.

I'm having a semi lazy day - I'm not walking but I have been doing some spring cleaning so I'm stretching and reaching and wiping etc. with muscles I don't normally use. I think I'll feel it tomorrow.
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/10 6:09 am
Topic: RE: sitting on the fence
Hi Jody. I was in your shoes and decided to stop just before the surgery. BTW, I see you have a sleep study coming up soon, please don't cancel that. My sleep study was the best thing of the whole WLS process because I didn't know I had sleep apnea. I can't tell you how fabulous it felt to have a good night sleep using my CPAP machine and it helps in shedding weight.  I know OHIP is notoriously slow, but I don't know how long you have to wait. If I were you I wouldn't step out of the queue until you were certain in your decision.  Postpone things to slow it down. Don't have surgery if you aren't certain - there are indeed serious risks and as you point out you're a single mom raising two children. You have to be at peace with your decision.

You may read on the main board "they operated on my digestive track but the problem is in my head" and people complaining about "head hunger". There is nothing wrong with your digestive track and having WLS can alter it permanently causing problems after surgery or later in life depending on the surgery. It's the head problem - what you put in your mouth that is the real issue and that's what I decided I needed to fix. Fixing your head can help you be a better model for your children. I've been a member here (and on other websites) for quite awhile but I lurked longer and I've seen a whole lot of people go through their WLS journey and shed a lot of weight, only to come back a few years later having gained much of it back - I feel so bad for them. Do you realize that some people have had 3 different weight loss surgeries? WLS results are only permanent when you fix the head. So my advice is work on your head and if you get that screwed on tight, then don't bother with the surgery. You will be much healthier. I know that feeling of desperation, that WLS is your only solution - but that's not true - the only thing true is that you need to shed that excess fat to improve your health. WLS or diet alone can be hard at the beginning to get into a new routine. (((HUGS))) we want to help support you which ever you decide to do and it is a personal decision that you alone have to make.

I'm impressed that you're thinking and working to increase your exercise - have your kids participate - take them for walks whenever possible- make it a routine for everyone. Maybe walk around the neighbourhood after supper or turn off the tv and play tag or hide and seek? Keep in mind that it takes a lot of exercise to burn a few calories - lowering the calories that we take in as food is much more effective for shedding weight. Exercise is important to help keep our body in good working order.

Our diet has changed so rapidly even since World War II - most of the "food" that we eat wouldn't even be recognized back then, didn't even exist. Those of us who are obese are horribly affected by all this industrialized food - we have to go back and eat real, whole foods. When you stop eating that super processed food you will lose the taste for it. I think maybe this is happening with your french fries? No simple carbs like flour and sugar- no highly processed foods. Stick to complex carbs which are our bodies, especially our brain needs. Low fat - fat has more than double the calories of protein and carbohydrates. Fat has almost no vitamins, no minerals, no fibre and no phychonutrients - it's just empty calories and it's packed in all our industrial food.

Find a healthy diet - the meaning of diet is the food you eat - it's not a bad word. You want to follow it to shed your weight and slightly modify it to maintain your goal. Some people here are on WW, I love my McDougall diet and others use other diets. Let us know what you plan to do. I see you have a lot of weight to shed. I remember when I started and knew that I had about 200 pounds to shed and it was so depressing and overwhelming so I broke it up into very small goals and didn't focus on how much or how long it was going to take me. It was hard psychologically. I saw a good therapist for a few months to help work on issues.

Okay, I'm rattling on and this is very long, sorry. Time for me to get back to house cleaning.
on 5/4/10 4:42 am
Topic: RE: What are you celebrating and proud of? Tues
Holy Cow, Peter Pan, I can't believe that was YOU being da PILOT!!!!!!  You done excellent, girlee, I'm proud of you masself.  And helluva good thing you are now so skinny, you would have never fit in that plane before your weight loss.  Congratulations on kicking your fear in the toockuss, FlyGirl!

Have you noticed that most successful weight loss people have overcome some sort of fear in their lives.  I firmly believe in the concept that you have to face your fears head on and conquer them or they will hold your weight loss back.  I think it has to do with the feeling of empowerment we get from facing our fears head on and beating the snot out of them that makes us feel like we are worth the effort to lose the weight. 

When I was little, we had to stand in line for shots and the boy ahead of me said that the needle would get stuck in your arm and then they would have to cut it out and you could bleed to death.  I was mortified of needles all of my life.  I almost didn't get married because of the blood test!  Once I decided to conquer my fear of needles, I started giving blood every six months.  It may have taken me two years to get over it but I finally new that a needle in my arm was nothing to fear.  But I had to experience that to be able to convince myself of the fact. 

Congrats again Peter,

on 5/4/10 4:22 am
Topic: RE: Nutrisystem Question
Hi Ashley, I don't know much about Nutrisystem but a friend of mine tried it and she said the portions are tiny and it's expensive.  But since you can't eat a lot, it might be right up your alley. 

I'm insulin resistant and have to do low carb so I chose Atkins because of the discipline and the allowed foods list taught me what I can eat and plan my menus from that.  And I get to EAT!  Maybe you can look into it and find a plan that you can learn and maintain for life, which will become second nature to you and then it won't be so expensive and you can lose the weight on your own.

You said you want to do this only until you can focus on yourself again...Sweetie, maintaining your weight loss for the sake of your long term health has got to be the "number one focus in your life"!!!!!!!!  Through my weight loss journey I took care of elderly parents, grieved for their loss, went through accident and surgery drama with my husband, and helped care for my sister with cerebral palsy, and built a house.  One thing I learned through all of this, the world was not going to come to an end if I took a few extra minutes a day to focus on me and what I was going to eat.  The key for me was preparation at all costs.  This is more important for you now that you've had the surgery than ever.  I pray you find your answer,

on 5/4/10 3:56 am
Topic: RE: Nausea after working out?
Yep, five pounds in two weeks is definitely on the right track! Congrats.

Do you ever watch the Biggest Loser?  Jillian loves it when she can make somebody throw up.  She's my favorite ***** EVER!!!

Here's a link to answer your question.

on 5/4/10 2:52 am - NM
Topic: RE: sitting on the fence
i was scheduled for wls on 4/27/10, on 4/26/10 i called and cancelled.  i don't have anything against it (obviously) but i just kept thinking, if i can't change my eating habits then there's no way this will be successful in the long run and by then i might actually hurt myself (now please know, this is only my own personal story and i know there are people who have had great success with the wls) but i just kept thinking i have to learn to eat properly first and if i have to do that anyway, then i might as well try on my own one more time.  and i have noticed that since i came so close to the surgery, it has clicked in my head that i need to make this work this time- i know it won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is!!  whatever you decide, i wish you luck!!!   
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