What's been happening
Remember my burn? Well, it's healing nicely, and has stopped having a discharge. In other words, the skin has closed over, and my doctor said around a week or two more, then I can stop wearing a bandage!
I haven't been doing as well on my food, which is why I stopped posting it. I plan to weigh myself Saturday, May 6, to see how I'm doing. If I've gained, I'll have to make changes on the weekend, which is my splurge time on my food plan. I'll have to splurge abit less than I have been, especially on sugar, which does make me feel more tired. I'm almost done giving away my Fifth Step, and my sponsor suggested that rather than getting up early during the week making me tired, it was the excess sugar that was making me more tired on the weekends. I do agree with her.
I also felt that since I tend to eat the same things all week, that posting my food every day was getting a bit boring. Thanks for your support!
Denise Phares