Saturday weigh in
Hi folks,
I guess CJ is out having a great time. I hope it's not raining where she is, it's been pouring all day here. I hate rain!!!!
Anyhow, time for the weekly weigh in. See, this is a self-serving type of post because I did great this week!!!
Actually, the past 3 weeks have been up and down and with my period and medications my body wasn't letting go of an ounce!! I haven't done much differently at all, eating the same, exercising the same. Goes to show that you just have to keep on with the lifestyle changes and everything will happen in due time.
I stayed off of the scale all week because I was pretty busy with baseball and stuff. Well I stepped on this morning and it said 227.9!!!!!!!!!!!!
So thats -4 pounds from last week. I am saying it's 228 because it's too close to 228 to be 227!!
So now it's 28 pounds to my goal. I am hoping to be there by my 1 year anniversary on July 7!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

thanks Donna..........
I started my (off the treadmill) running program and it has helped shedd some stubborn pounds off. Acutully a slow trot.... lol but it's considered running.......
I am up to 2.5 miles....... as of yesterday.... yessssssss.
Oh and I got me some sf pudding with fatfree whipped cream........ ummmmmmmmmmm good.
Have a blessed Sunday. Phyllis.........
Carol Jean (CJ)
on 4/23/06 10:50 am - Non-Op, CT
on 4/23/06 10:50 am - Non-Op, CT
Hi Donna...
Congrats on a fantastic week!!! You're getting so close to your goal... I can't wait to see you reach it!!!
You were half right with my absense... I have been busy all weekend. Spring cleaning... horrible weather outside, so I was force to stay inside and face the dust bunny monsters. Also, my fiancee is working on the house, sooooo there's just been all sorts of chaos all weekend long I couldn't get to the computer for more than 5 seconds.
Anyways... this week was okay. I haven't been excersizing, I got my period and it is KICKING my butt. Cramps CITY. But anyways, despite the bloating and not excersizing, my weight didn't change! YAY!
***CURRENT: 167
Starting Weight: 250
As of 1/1/06: 188
Goal: 140