Hi Everybody,
I'm missing being able to participate in the exercise challenge. I go back to the doctor on May 1. Maybe he will release me to exercise then. My incisions are healing beautifully. They are much less visible than I thought they would be and it's just been 3 weeks. I still get a little shaky sometimes and have to eat and rest. My weight is staying steady. That was a major concern. I was worried that being inactive would put on the pounds. And I am having to eat more too. But I guess if you really watch the types of foods and listen to what your body really needs, the weight controls itself.
Have a great weekend.
That is great that you are healing so quickly and so well from the surgery. It definitely gives those of us coming after you a positive experience to pray for!!
Please don't hurry. You will get back into exercising soon. This is the culmination of a lot of hard work. Enjoy it for a little while! Treat yourself nicely. Your new habits are ingrained and this is a whole new life for you. The fear of going back will always be there. But don't give it power!
I'm so happy for you!!!