I'm Back
Just the thighs? How is the rest of the skin?
My arms are by far the worst, god they are awful. I think I can fly!!! :lmao:
My belly is "flat", no big bumps, not tons of rolls, just really soft skin that truly needs to be gone, but if I had to choose it over my arms, I would live with it.
My breasts, well, let's just say they are a mere shadow of themselves. At the beginning I was wearing a 48DDD. Now I am finding that the 40D's I'm wearing are too big. So if I had to choose in order it would be my arms, my breasts and then my belly. I have a consult in June. Hopefully I will be at goal by then and I will get some good news.
Well, Donna, it's loose but I am on a high intense weight program in my areobics class....... so I am trying........ but those thighs are just hanging loose and I want to wear a swimming suite
If you "hit" the www button below, it will bring up my photobucket album and there is a recent spring photo of me that shows some of my toning work......... but I don't know anytime you lose over 100 pounds and I am closing in on "150 pound loss" plastic surgery is just going to have to happen !!!!!!!!