Monday March 27 Menu
1 cup oatmeal
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup egg substitute
1 orange
2 cups water
AM Snack
8 oz. Breyers Probiotic yogurt with fruit
2 cups water
1 cup fat free cottage cheese
3 Tbsps. sugar free preserves
2 sugar free Gel snack cups
4 cinnamon graham crackers
1 cup heated green beans
1 Tbsp. melted margarine (for g.b.s)
1 plum
2 cups water
Leftover Moroccan-Spiced Chicken (3 thighs)
1 cup brown rice
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 can beef vegetable soup
Crystal Light peach ice tea
Evening Snack (for me only)
Very moderate amount of goodies after choir concert tonight
I ate only one small chocolate chip cookie and one chocolate donut hole at the choir break at dress rehearsal last night. I found I didn't want any more. I took nothing home with me.
Denise Phares