Today's Exercise Challenge-Wed
Hi Phyllis!!
Well, I took those pills that I needed to bring on a heavy period to clean out my lady parts
. When it finally came I was changing a tampon AND a big ole' diaper looking maxi pad every HOUR!!!!! This was all day Monday and all day Tuesday. Somehow exercising wasn't in the cards!
I did go back today, it has slowed down a bit, thankfully!
I really really felt guilty not going since Saturday. Longest I've spent away from the gym in a LONG time.
45 minutes elliptical
25 minutes weight circuit
Came home and played baseball with my son for about 1/2 hour.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Hi Phyllis,
I've been on track, but just too busy to post. I've got 9 days left until the BIG DAY. I'm trying to get all my lesson plans completed for the 6 weeks I'll be out, get my online class done, clean house, etc.
Morning: 45 minutes Pilates
20 minutes stability ball
Evening: 45 minutes cross country
15 minutes treadmill
30 minutes weight machines.