What have you done differently this time?
Hi Lynette,
You have certainly given me good advice. I have been known to down a whole box of cookies or bag of candy when I have been a stressball. Sometimes it even amazed me how many sweets I could consume in a day. But as you said - that gives other people control over me and I end up paying the price. I have to think about that because I stress will always be there and I need to have other ways to deal with it.
You are right that it is up to me how much I let others can impact my day. Good advice.
Caroline, that is the $1 million question. Why did diet and exercise work this time, and not the dozen times before? Why have I been able to stick with a healthy lifestyle for more than two years, when before the longest I stayed on a diet was measured in days?
I have no freaking idea.
Best of luck.
365/210 (nonop)
Hi Caroline,
For me it is plain and simple....FEAR. Getting diabetes scared me very badly. Although, over the past few months I've been struggling with staying on the program, my body let's me know that I better start getting back on board.
If I don't want to lose my vision, have kidney failure or get my feet amputated I better exercise and eat healthy.
This week I am back on board with a healthy diet and exercise. And the reason is, my feet started tingling again. A very bad sign for someone with Diabetes and my fasting blood sugar was increasing everyday.
Finally this made me realize that enough was enough, that I didn't want to get past the point of no return with this mean spirited disease. So my motivation is back
Good luck to you and keep us posted.
I am really impressed with how well you are doing. You started about the same place as I have and you have lost nearly 100 lbs. Unbelievable. I imagine that your diabetes is much better.
I am worried about my health too. My knees are going bad, I have foot paid and I am concerned about both heart disease and diabetes - both of which run on my family. When I see your story and how well you have done - I think that I can do it too.
I am sure going to give it the "good try" this time.
Hi Nancy,
10 pounds is a great start! Just losing 10% of your body weight has a huge positive impact on your health. When I lost about 30 pounds, both my blood pressure and blood sugar reduced to normal levels.
I am so excited for you. It is no doubt a struggle, but you won't believe how happy you will feel on the way down.