Wed., Feb. 22 Menu - OA connection
First of all, I finally connected with my possible future sponsor on the phone. She's very busy, and very nice. I will ease into working the program, by first of all, reading the literature, and second of all, maintaining abstinence. This means following what I have written down for my food plan, and nothing else. No impulse eating, no eating my client Penny's food. This isn't going to be easy, but not impossible, either. My husband has lost 12 pounds so far, and I have to admit I am jealous!
1 cup Cheerios
1 cup 1% milk
1/2 grapefruit
1/4 cup scrambled egg substitute
2 cups water
AM Snack
1 Slimfast Muffin Bar
2 cups water
1 hard candy*
1 slice Italian bread*
5 Melba Toasts
1 cup low fat cottage cheese with 3 Tbsps. sugar free preserves
4 graham crackers
1 medium peach
2 sugar free Jello cups
2 cups water
Tilapia filets fried in Pam on griddle
1 cup brown rice with 2 tsps. margarine
1 cup grapes
1 can no salt mixed vegetables
1-1/2 cups 1% milk
Evening Snack
1/2 cup no sugar, low fat ice cream
*These were my client's foods. Bad!

Breakfast: LA smoothie with pineapple, hard boiled egg, 1 oz. lowfat cheese stick, 3 lowfat Triscuits, chocolate chip cookie dough LA Lite Bar
Snack: peanut butter LA Lite Bar
Lunch: LA chocolate protein meal replacement drink, Dannon lowcarb yogurt, orange, LA caramel popcorn
Supper: chicken, salad- lettuce, spinach, mushroom, cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, fat free dressing, orange