Tuesday Feb. 21 Menu
1 cup Spoon Size Shredded Wheat
1 cup 1% milk (couldn't get skim)
1 banana
1/4 cup cheesy scrambled egg
2 cups water
AM Snack
1 Slimfast Muffin Bar
2 cups water
2 hard candies
Chicken salad with fat free dressing and veggies
4 Tbsps. fat free shredded cheese
1 apple
4 graham crackers
2 sugar free Jellos
8 oz. low fat yogurt with fruit
2 cups water
Leftover Paprika Chicken Thighs
1 cup brown rice
1 cup unsweetened applesauce or grapes
1 can vegetable soup
Crystal Light peach ice tea
There! I went to the N. Royalton OA meeting yesterday, but the woman I was going to ask to be my sponsor wasn't there. I took down her phone number from the list, and I'll call her some time this week.
Denise Phares

Morning: LA smoothie with pineapple, 1 oz. lowfat cheese, 3 lowfat Triscuits, 3/4 oz. mixed nuts, peanut butter LA Lite Bar
Snack: chocolate chip cookie dough LA Lite Bar
Lunch: LA chocolate protein meal replacement, apple, LA caramel popcorn, Dannon lowcarb yogurt
Supper: turkey, salad- lettuce, baby spinach, red pepper, tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, fat free dressing, orange