Friday Feb. 3 Menu
1 cup Oatmeal Squares
1 cup skim milk
1 small tangerine
1/4 cup scrambled egg substitute
2 cups water
AM Snack
1 Slimfast Muffin Bar
2 cups water
1 pouch Whole Grain Twists
Chicken salad w/veggies, croutons, low fat drsg, and ff shredded cheese
2 sugar free Jello cups
1 peach
8 oz. Breyer's yogurt with fruit (low sugar, low fat)
2 graham crackers
2 cups water
1 pork chop browned in Pam on griddle and cooked in microwave
1 baked red potato with 2 tsps. margarine
1 can vegetable soup
1 can light fruit ****tail in pear juice (drained)
Crystal Light peach ice tea
Evening Snack
1 Slim-A-Bear ice cream sandwich (low fat, no sugar)
Denise Phares

Carol Jean (CJ)
on 2/3/06 2:28 am - Non-Op, CT
on 2/3/06 2:28 am - Non-Op, CT
B -- cup of coffee, 1/3 cup cereal
S -- protein shake
L -- Garden Salad
S -- Cottage Cheese
D -- ??? Probably some more chicken
Lots and lots and lots of water!!!
Will do an hour workout with fiancee when he gets home from work this evening.
250/175/140 non-op
Meal 1: oatmeal, light margarine, and milk
Meal 2: 1 1/4 C noodles/light hot dog/parmesean cheese, 3/4C fresh strawberries
Meal 3: 14 Lime tortilla chips/ and 1/2C lite cottage cheese, light yogurt
All within my 1500 calorie limit. No snacks today...
Down to 250# even with my shoes on!!! Remember last January I was 302#? Slow but steady progress. I'm going to get there!
90 minutes cardio: 60 elliptical, 30 treadmill. No weights tonight: a girl has to take a night off!!
See ya'll on Monday. I work 12 hour shifts all weekend. No exercise planned, but I'll stick to my meal plan!!
Take care everyone,

Breakfast: LA smoothie with pineapple, 1 oz. lowfat cheese stick, 3 lowfat Triscuits, chocolate crunch LA Lite Bar
Snack: chocolate chip cookie dough LA Lite Bar
Lunch: apple, LA chocolate meal replacement drink, 3/4 oz mixed nuts, Dannon lowcarb yogurt
Dinner: grilled chicken, salad- lettuce, baby spinach, broccoli, red pepper, cucumber, lowfat dressing