Wed. Feb. 1 Menu Plan
1 cup Cheerios
1 cup skim milk
1/2 grapefruit
1/4 cup scrambled egg substitute
2 cups water
AM Snack
1 Slimfast Muffin bar
2 cups water
1 pouch Whole Grain Twists
1 cup low fat cottage cheese with 3 Tbsps. sugar free preserves
2 graham crackers
1 peach/nectarine
2 sugar free Jello cups
2 cups water
Chicken breast with 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce & Parmesan cheese
Whole wheat spaghetti with sauce and cheese
1 cup grapes
1 can vegetable soup
Crystal Light peach ice tea
Evening Snack
1/2 cup Edy's sugar free, low fat ice cream
I have refrained from eating my client's food since Monday. I feel so good about this!
I am also refraining from eating any other food that is not on my menu plan for that day.
Denise Phares

Just about the same as usual for me.
Breakfast: LA smoothie with pineapple, 1 oz. lowfat cheese stick, 3 lowfat Triscuits, chocolate chip cookie dough LA Lite Bar
Snack: peanut butter LA Lite Bar
Lunch: apple, LA chocolate protein meal replacement drink, 3/4 oz. mixed nuts, Dannon lowcarb yogurt
Supper: 5 oz. shrimp, cooked cabbage, stewed squa**** lowfat margarine, fresh strawberries