Monday's exercise Challenge
Hey everyone, lets stick together to get through this!!! Let's all do our best to keep posting our successes,and the things we're really struggling with. Let's utilize this room full intelligence, experience, and unconditional positive regard. Life is crazy and full of work, kids, relationships, broken cars, housework, etc....let's keep our bond strong so we can support each other in this sometimes impossible-feeling endevor of losing weight and keeping it off.
We call it the exercise challenge because it really is a challenge to find time in our very busy lives to exercise. I get a lot of encouragement seeing all of you speak to what you've been able to accomplish today as far as exercise or your food plan. We all have so much to learn, and so much to share. So let's just DO IT!!!
Today: 95 minutes of cardio, 65 elliptical, and 30 recumbant bike
25 minutes of upper body weights. I'm workin' this new plan, and I would appreciate every bit of support offered by all you very strong and comitted women.
We're all doin' it our own way, but let's be sure to support each other. It's a hell of a long jouney, and this messageboard is full of kind, insightful, wonderful people offering love, support, and encouragement. Let's not let that fade away, okay.
How is the exercise going for all of you? How about food. Anything new and exciting in your food plans that we could learn about?? My eyes and ears are WIDE open!! Teach me, mold me, make me healthy and svelte!!

Hi Jessica,
I've been busy with an online course I'm taking. The workload is incredible. Note to self- never take an online course again! But I'm keeping up with my health plan.
Morning: 45 minutes Pilates
Evening: 40 minutes treadmill
15 minutes cross country
15 minutes elliptical
15 minutes weight machines
I'm with you Jessica. I need all the encouragement I can get on this journey. It's a lifetime commitment.
Hi Jessica and Lynette
Jessica, I agree entirely that we need to all stick together!!! I have another 46 pounds to goal. Satan, my scale, rewarded me this morning by weighing at 246.
This has gotten to be an incredibly slooowwww process but nothing has changed, I keep plugging along.
Lynette, I took 3 online classes this summer to finish up my BS in Social Sciences. College Algebra was by FAR the worst. Yuck!!!! But I made it through!!! ~holds up my degree to show you~ Good luck!!!!!
45 minutes elliptical
25 minutes weights
20 minutes on that ball. I do so love that ball!!!

I'm pretty new here, but I recently stopped using coffee creamer in my coffee and I'm using my 1% milk instead. It has made a big difference. I've dropped 3 pounds since the change. For my exercise this morning I did:
30 minutes recumbant bike
20 minutes arc trainer
20 minutes yoga/stretching
25 minutes brisk walking