Saturday Menu Plan
1/4 cup scrambled egg substitute mixed with real egg
1 cup grape juice (ran out of milk)
1 English muffin w/2 tsps. margarine
1 banana
2 cups water
Chicken salad w/veggies, light dressing, & shredded cheese
1 can vegetable soup
2 sugar free Jello cups
2 cups water
Rotisserie chicken leg & wing w/skin
1 cup mashed potatoes w/margarine
1 can mixed no salt vegetables
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup skim milk
Evening Snack
Candy with either a movie or DVDs
2 cups water
Yesterday Mike & I went to Gunning Park Recreation Center and walked their track around 10 minutes. It was a start, and next time, we'll register there as members.
Denise Phares