:-S Embarasing Ketosis ?
Ok. Let's see if I can embarrass my self big time. I have finally gotten a diet that I am going to dive into starting tomorrow am. I figure 2 weeks see waht it does and re evaluate. But it is supposed to send me into Ketosis. Here is my big ? When in Ketosis...is there a change in odor down -there? Thanks Jamie
Hi Jamie,
I have been on several diets that put me into Ketosis. I have never noticed a change in odor in my nether regions. I do know that bad breath is a problem side-effect when you are in Ketosis. I just kept SF breath mints & gum on hand, brushed my tongue &/or rinsed with mouthwash whenever possible and hoped for the best. Be sure to drink lots & lots of water.
Best of luck to you on your plan!