Star Jones
I just wanted to let you know about Star Jones. I am a home health aide, and one of my clients saw her on Good Morning, America the other day. She talked about her weight loss. She said she did not have any weight loss surgery at all, but just hung close to her doctor. She lost weight to be able to have a meaningful relationship with a man (she is now married).
Denise Phares
I just purchased her new book "Shine" and she is not that forthcoming in it about HOW she lost the weight. Her excuse is that she does not want to become a poster child for any weight loss method. However, alot of what she describes about medical testing she had done with her doctors sounds as though she DID have the bypass surgery AND I don't believe she could have lost it that quickly without it, she was nearly 300 lbs!! I will reserve any further comments until I have completed the book, but basically its about nutritional balance and exercise....two things we really seem to be in denial or just prefer to have a quicker solution on. Let's face it we are a lazy society who likes to have instant gratification and results. We also don't like to think about how many grams of this and that is in every morsel of food we put in our mouths. The good life comes at a price. I really don't know if she lost the weight JUST to have a meaningful relationship with a man. She says she was not happy with herself and was sitting out on things in life that she enjoyed due to her weight. With or without a man to love, she was going to lose the weight for her health. The man just was the bonus because she met him when she was still hefty.