Steps I took today
My profile is full of hope in "baby steps"................
Today, I took some. After I dropped off my daughter at school, I stopped at the football field near there and walked 1/2 mile around the track.
Then, while running errands, I went to the post office. This is normally an errand I have my daughter run for me. I walked up and down the steps instead of the ramp.
I had to do some I went to Wal-Mart after that. Instead of fighting and waiting for the very front parking place...........I parked about 13 spaces from the door! I dropped off a prescription refill, then walked ALL THE WAY around the store to get back to where I had to go...........then, I did it again! I did my shopping, went back to pick up my daughter's allergy meds, then walked ALL THE WAY around the store again (instead of back tracking a few feet to the register) before I went to check out!
I feel incredible! Plus, my daughter and I are going to play raquetball today when she gets off work! It feels so good to actually be doing it.........instead of sitting in my chair in front of the tv thinking "I should be doing it"!!!!!!!!!
Baby steps.........
Have a fabulous day ya'll!