Exercise Challenge-Monday
Hi there Phyllis
Tonight I upped my elliptical to 45 minutes. It was rather easy although through the last 15 minutes or so all my knee did was pop, on every revolution. No pain, just popping. Annoying as all get out.
20 minutes on the weight circuit, upped some weights by 4 pounds.
Have a beautiful day!

100 minutes total today.
70 minutes elliptical
30 minutes treadmill
My eating has been out of control these past few weeks. I'm not sure what's happened to me, but I eat more now than in ---I don't know how long. Anything....just anything goes right into my mouth. I'm exercising without exception, and I'm doing my weights, so my weight isn't going anywhere. It's up one day, down the next: so basically, I'm holding steady at the same weight, while doing 90 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week. That's just dumb, isn't it. All this hard work, sweat, and time, and not a damn thing to show for it. Losing and gaining the same 10 pounds for months. It boggles my mind. What am I doing?? I've got to get it together. I'm gaining muscle, so something good is coming of all this exercise and weight lifting. My heart is strong, and I've got very good endurance and stregnth, but otherwise: I suck.
I've got to get my head straight.
Take care all.
Thanks for letting me vent.

Thank you, Lynette, for your kind words and support. I'm feeling pretty lousy about eating like I do. I feel like I'm in a downward spiral, and I can't find my parachute... At some point, I have to regain some sense of control, but right now, I'm drowning. I will do something right: I will continue my 90 to 100 minutes of exercise and my weight lifting. I realize that sometimes when we're barely above water, we just keep treading, and the tide wanes and we regain our ability to lightly tread. That's where I am. I'm kickin and flailing my arms and sinking...but I know the tide will calm, and I will be okay in time. So, for now, I will control what I know I can. I will keep my chin up and look forward. I appreicate your kindness. It means a lot to me.