I'm going to Wal-Mart this morning - to do a little shopping - but mainly to get in some exercise!
I know it sounds weird.........but I can't afford a gym membership - ca n't afford a treadmill - and, until I get used to walking and exercising again, I need a flat surface to walk on with something to hang on to! So, I figure, an early morning trip to Wal-Mart with a shopping cart to hang on to is better than sitting around the house doing nothing!
Now, if I could just cure this darned cold!!
Everyone have a wonderful day!

Hi Kandy,
I hope you are doing better at it than I am. I went to bed, bath and beyond today, then to K-mart. Both stores I had to stop several times to find somewhere to sit. I thought my back would break! And I was sweating to death (in the air conditioning). I am home now and my back still hurts! I tried leaning on the cart, and that helped a little. But after walking all thru K-Mart I was sooo looking foward to check out and getting in my car, only to get there and find the line for checkout was way down the isle! I was so upset, that when i finally got to check out I asked for the manager. When he showed up, I told him having 1 handicapped cart for a store that big was unacceptable. And that although I preffered shopping at his store, in the future I will be going to Walmart where they have plenty of riding carts. Now I know thats not much exercise, but I cant do it all at once, and still need to shop!
I really hope you continue to walk at Walmart and that it works for you. I am going to sign up for Curves gym, I need to stregthen my back and knees some b4 I can try any major walking again.
Hi Kandy,
Moving is moving, doesn't matter where you are at. I think it is funny that you are at a store. Lots of times, when I am getting antsy and feel like I am going to start eating from boredom or whatever, I go to the mall.
It is fun to look at all the pretty things. I drive the people at Zales crazy, because I am always trying on rings (They fit now) but never buy any. Who can afford it!?
I bet there are a lot more store walkers out there they we realize!
Hi there Kandy,
Welcome back and I hope we see more of you here!!!
This is the last day of my vacation and I love going to the gym in the morning and excercising and then showering and getting ready there. Very relaxing for me. But alas, today is the last day.
This morning I went to the gym and damn all those New Years Resolutions. The place was PACKED and I had to wait for an elliptical as well as 50 minutes to get on the circuit. That resulted in an increased exercise, which is not good, but frustrating.
45 minutes - elliptical
20 minutes - weight circuit
Have a beautiful day and I hope your cold gets better soon!!!

Kandy, that is exactly how I started exercising. At my heaviest, I could not walk more than two blocks without severe back spasms and shortness of breath. The mall was perfect because there are plenty of benches and it doesn't matter what the weather is.
My exercise today:
40 minutes step aerobics
25 minutes each arm pedaler and recumbent stationary bike
Best of luck.
365/210 (nonop)
Monday's exercise: 90 minutes--60 minutes elliptical trainer, and 30 minutes bike. I have decided that as of January 2, I will add weight training to my routine 5 days a week also. Today, I did 20 minutes of upper body weights. I didn't make a new year's resolution, but I have decided that this year, I will make my goal weight. This year, I will add weight training to my daily routine; 5 days a week/90 minutes each time.
Everyone is doing so well. Remember, moving is just that: moving!!! You're not sitting on the couch, you're not eating--you're exercising. It matters!
Take care everyone,

Hi Kandy,
Just get started moving, and as your strength increases exercise more. There are some great exercise videos out there. I started out with Body Flex. It is very easy to do. It has some weird breathing techniques, but it really works. When I started going to the Y, I was in good shape to use the machines there.
Monday's Exercise
Morning: 45 minutes Pilates
Evening: 10 minutes treadmill
45 minutes elliptical
10 minutes rowing
30 minutes weight machines