Today's Exercise Challenge-Wed
Hey there Phyllis,
I hope you are enjoying your time off!!
Today for me:
35 minutes elliptical
20 minutes bike
20 minutes weight circuit
Does all this walking in the mall count?????
I swear I have done more shopping since I lost my weight then I have done in my whole lifetime!!!
Have a beautiful day.

Morning: 45 minutes Pilates
Evening: 45 minutes elliptical
30 minutes weight machines
That guy from the magazine called me again this morning. I feel like they are pressuring me too much. They are wanting me to come on February 16. I told him that I have an appointment for a consultation with a plastic surgeon on January 16. I do not want to make any commitments right now. I want to get my plastic surgery done as soon as the doctor has an opening. So he said they would put me on the list for a later photo shoot.
Good for you for standing up for yourself and saying "whoa!" You've earned the right to say, "We need to work around my schedule, too!" I'm proud of you! When the article comes out, I can say, "I knew her when..."
Today's exercise
65 minutes elliptical trainer
35 minutes recumbant bike
Take care all,