The importance of water
Hi there everyone,
During my journey I have looked carefully for patterns, trying to figure out my body, understanding it and what it needs, to be able to shed extra pounds and stay as healthy as I can possibly make myself.
One of the things I discovered was the importance of water. There have been a few times, mostly over weekends, where I have slacked off on water. I have a slight problem with a weak bladder and on weekends where I am not 50 feet from a bathroom, I tend to slack off because I am afraid of accidents. I don't think I take in more than 50 ounces of water, if that. On those weekends I have inevitably stepped on the scale in the morning and noted a 3-5 pounds "increase" in my weight. I know for a fact that there is no way in the world I gained that weight, but the number is distressing nonetheless. When I step up the intake of water, those added numbers on the scale are shed in a day.
So today I stepped on the scale and I was "up" almost 5 pounds. I didn't panic, I just came back upstairs and poured a huge glass of water, which I am drinking now. I have to spend the morning at home now
but in the end it will be worth it.
So drink up!!!!!!

As an addition to my post
. I realized I started my period today too. That explains some of the tightness I am feeling. Still doing the water, flushing out that extra bloat.
Silly me had to be reminded by my boyfriend that I was starting my period, when I told him about the increase on the scale.
He is better at this stuff than me!!!