Thursday's exercise challenge
Ladies, ladies....where are you???
Christmas parties-a-plenty, I know. We're all busy, and that's what this season is about. Being with those you love, and enjoying their company!!!
30 minutes elliptical
30 minutes bike
30 minutes treadmill
I hope you're all surrounded by loved ones, and feeling this wonderful holiday celebration spirit.

Hi Jessica,
I had 2 eating challenges on Thursday. The PTO brought lunch for the teachers. Soup, breads, and all kinds of rich desserts. But I just brought my own food. I had roasted chicken, cucumber, tomato, and sugar free jello. After school, we had the faculty Christmas party. I brought fruit. So I had fruit, protein drink, and some raw veggies. The second grade performance was also last night. I put in a 12 hour day at school. But I took my workout clothes with me and headed to the Y right after the performance.
morning: 45 minutes Pilates
evening: 45 minutes elliptical
2 pounds to goal. I hope I can make it before Christmas.
Way to go Lynette with your goal !!!!!!!
2 pounds !!! go girl !!!!!!!!
I have 15 pounds to go !!!
Now I am getting those comments-- Phyllis, I am getting concern about you-- you are taking this weight loss overboard-- " Phyllis you don't need to lose anymore weight" etc etc........
I feel that 145-150 will be a good maintanance weight for me. So we will see.........
Incredible, Lynette. You handled those eating challenges with grace and skill!!!
Only two more pounds to go until goal!!! FANTASTIC!!! Even if you don't see the numbers on the scale you're looking for, remember, water--water--water!! So often our weight looks higher than it is secondary to the amount of water we retain from day to day. So, I think that whatever your weight is on Christmas morning----trust that you have met your goal and you are exactly where you deserve to be!!!! Don't let that number on the scale mess with your mind. You've worked very hard, and you are as disciplined as any person I've ever met. I can't even imagine how great it will be when I'm 2 pounds from goal!!!!
Chin up, honey. You are amazing!

Hey Jessica,
You always give such good advice! I do let the numbers get to me too much. You better start imagining how great it will be when you are 2 pounds for goal, because you will be there yourself one day. You too are very dedicated to exercising, eating healthy, and trying to resolve the mind issues.
Hey honey,
No such thing as Bad Phyllis. She had a day where the food took over. You're back on track, I trust that. Don't you kick yourself when you have a rough day; there are enough people passing judgement on you already; don't do that to yourself. I've watched you post daily, as you kick big time butt, with exercise and eating right. Everyone gets forgiven slip-ups. You just get back to basics, and let that even go!!!
I think you're doing wonderfully!!!
See you later,

Hey there Jessica
35 minutes on the elliptical
20 minutes on the weight ciruit.
I am starting a new program on Monday called "Group Power". Apparently it is sweeping the nation as a great way to do strength training. It is done with free weights to music for 60 minutes, the groups are co-ed and it is said to be quite a workout. I'm a bit nervous but looking forward to it.
Have a beautiful day!