whats wrong with me
here i am i have lost 15 pounds in 11 weeks i have been going to curves for 11 but dieting for 2 weeks and let me tell you i feel like their is a cloud over my head i am so hungery the doctor will give no appetite supprecent she is worried about all drugs since phen fen i just want some help till my stomach shrinks and im not so hungery . then i feel like the doom is lurking i keep hearing all the statstics that say 98 percent of us will gain back our weight i feel so hopeless. im also jealous of my mom see had her rny in july and is never hungry for every pound i loss she loses 10 . I am i being horrible i am scared to complain since my bmi is 37.4 but i loss couple pounds and when i get measured i have not lost much in the waist and have gained in the arms and calves . i talked to the lady at curves and she just shrugs and says im rock sold.
shayna tagle
Shayna, there's nothing wrong with you. Please don't compare your weight loss progress to anyone else's, especially someone who has had WLS. Your body and metabolism are different. You'll lose if you stay the course.
Yes, statistics do not offer much hope to us nonops. Ninety-five percent of us will regain the weight we've lost within two years. That's no reason not to keep trying, IMHO. Someone has to be that one person out of 20 who keeps the weight off.
I understand completely about the hunger. The first seven months I was on my current diet and exercise program, I was ravenously hungry all the time. I didn't take appetite supressants because I, too, had side effects from phen fen.
Please be patient. It's a Herculean task, but worth it.
Best of luck.
365/210 (nonop)
Hi Shayna,
It always seems that the people around us are losing weight faster, easier, or more consistently than we are. Bottom line is, the only way in the world we will lose this weight, is to either limit our food intake to 1200-1500 calories a day, AND exercise 5-7 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes a session. Ultimately, we have to burn the fat we've stored, and exercising for less than 15 minutes will only burn available body fuel; not body fat. So, the more you exercise, the more you lose. The beauty of exercise is the way it tones your muscles and shrinks your body. When you're sleeping or watching TV, if you've exercised at a decent pace for at least 20 minutes a day, your body keeps burning your fat for a number of hours AFTER you stop exercising!
So, much of our energy is spent trying to figure out what to eat, how much to eat, what not to eat... I think so many of us would benefit from turning our energy to figuring out what we can do to burn the fat on our bodies. While people who have had WLS lose weight fairly consitently, it's an absorption and decrease in total calories is their salvation. So since we hope to never have the trouble of absorption problems; we have to decrease or total intake of food, and increase our total exercise.
Remember this, if nothing else. While today you may exercise an hour, tomorrow 45 minutes, the next day 40 minutes, and so on-- Stay the course. You'll have frequen****er weight issues, and plateaus to deal with, but I can promise you---keep your chin up and take this one day at a time. Do your best today. Then again tomorrow. Stay away from the scale for at least a week at a time, to give your body time to show you true results. And come back here with others like yourself, who are doing everything we can to beat the odds. 90-some percent of dieters will regain their weight, but if you decide to make your eating plan, and exercise plan a way a life---your increase your chances of SUCCESS!! Everyone on this site is trying to learn the keys to beating the odds.
Let's do it together. Come talk to us, share your joys, and send love to those who can use it. Remember, it's one day at a time. Don't look at others success: plan for your own!!