Mon--Exercise Challenge
Wow Donna!!! You're kickin' major butt with that elliptical. I remember when you were trying to tweak out 20 minutes on that thing, now you've toppled down the 30 minute mark!!!
I did 110 minutes: 70 minutes on the elliptical, and 40 minutes on the bike. Whew!!
My daughter is going off to college next month!!! OMG!!
How did that happen so fast?!! Last time I looked, that girl was graduating from 8th grade, and now I'm going to be helping her decorate her dorm!!!! I love it; but holy smoke!!! My baby is growing up so strong and independent: she makes me so proud!!!!

Hi Jessica
SEVENTY MINUTES on the elliptical??? My god woman. I have never made it past the full circuit of 32 minutes. I think I would have to die. How many calories do you burn in 70 minutes? I burn about 430 in 32, you have to be able to double that. Dayum!!!!
I know what you are saying about kids growing up. My oldest will be a senior next year and it just floors me that he's already that old. Facial hair, bigger than me!!!! and has a girlfriend. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. My baby is still 13, so I am holding on to him for a while longer. Poor thing.

Hi Everybody,
45 minutes - Pilates DVD
45 minutes - elliptical trainer
30 minutes - weight machines
Just wait until your children get married! My oldest daughter got married last year after she graduated from college. I still have 3 at home. My son is 19 and in college. And I have "The Girls" - 17 and 16.