Water - flavored or unflavored
Good morning everyone. I posted this to the main board as well, but figured I'd send it here and see how you guys do these things.
I have read the billion articles about the necessity of water intake. I understand that everyone should be drinking 64 ounces a day plus an extra 8 ounces for each 25 pounds you have to lose above normal weight. At this point I easily consume 125 ounces of water. I buy the 25 ounce bottled water, 2 1/2 bottles in the morning before lunch, 1/2 a bottle with lunch, 1 bottle in the afternoon and 1 bottle at the gym after work. I don't even count what I drink with my dinner, so I suppose I even go above 125 ounces a day. I am 100 pounds above "normal" weight, even though my personal goal is 200, which is another 60 pounds.
The question here is, yes I was getting to it!!! The question is, do you do your water in flavored or unflavored. By that I mean do you all add the crystal lite/tetley/lipton/Wal-mart knock off, etc. packets of "on the go" flavoring to your water? I guess that I know the proper answer to be straight unadulterated water. For some reason I have to be thirsty to drink "regular" water, but I can sip on/guzzle the flavored stuff and get it all in during the day. I have tried to get into the habit or regular water, and I can do it if I drink it all at once.
I know liquid is liquid, but I have to say that those flavored packets leave a bit of a coating on my tongue and make me even thirstier sometimes. I have even tried staggering, but it's a heck of a lot easier to get the good tasting stuff down.
Any experiences out there that you'd care to share?
Donna - non-op
I honestly don't count the amount of water I'm drinking, because I know it's adequate, but I do have to like what I'm drinking. I have the big old 7-11 Big Gulp thermos, and fill it at least twice a day with regular water. I also drink two big bottles of water with my workout. I love the sugar free lemonade, and Diet Rite soda, too. Plain water is good; but as long as you're not filling your body with caffiene, sugar, or sodium--drink whatever will keep you hydrated!!

Hi Donna,
I drink 64-80 oz a day. LA Weigh Loss says that it has to be plain water. I am allowed two diet or flavored drinks a day, but it does not count toward my water total. I never drink anything with caffeine. I like my water room temperature. I have a friend that could not drink water, and I told her that I always drink mine room temperature. She found it easier to drink that way too.