Is anybody here?
Hi & welcome back. I hope you are feeling better. Seems like we have been a little quiet here lately. I have just been busy as all get out but things are slowing down for now.
We are getting so much rain here in SW Washington that there are flood warnings out & it is not expected to stop for at least a week! Means I will be spending a lot more time inside for awhile (time to plug the treadmill back in).

I'm here, Kim. I just "lurk" and "hide" when I am slacking so I have not had much posting to do lately!
Stress and chaos have reigned around here lately as well, so it's been kinda crazy for me!
This morning, though, I got up and got busy around the house....trying to get my energy back up....and I ate breakfast. I had 339 calories - 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice dry toast, 4 oz. orange juice and 4 oz. of % milk....and, of course, my ice water!
So far so good today.............I've been having a really tough, once again, I'm trying again!

I'm here, I'm here!!
I'm crazy busy, but sticking (mostly to my plan!) I've been good about exercising 5 days a week: every weeknight at 7pm, it's off to Planet Fitness for 90 minutes cardio, and 15-20 minutes upper or lower body. My weight holds steady in the mid 250's, but my clothes are literally falling off! That "muscle weights more than fat crap" I don't buy for a second, but--muscle definitely changes our body definition!! It took me a LONG time to realize it, but, exercise matters!! Yippee for the stair master!!
Everybody okay? I mostly spend my time on the GLBT messageboards, but this is my second stop every night...
Take care all,